Computer & Communication Industry Association

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Senators Reintroduce Internet Censorship Bill Under New Name

Senators Leahy, Hatch and Grassley are reintroducing legislation, which will impose a mandate on additional industries to enforce copyright laws. Instead of COICA, the new acronym appears to sound les...
  • Telecom

Internet Users In New York To Speak At Hearing Supporting Open Internet

Washington – New York leaders are hosting a hearing tonight on two pending FCC decisions that would impact Internet Users in their state – preserving the Open Internet and stopping the Comcast-Tim...

CCIA Joins Internet Users For Net Neutrality Day, Saying Nondiscrimination Benefits Businesses, Economy

Washington -- Internet users and businesses that rely on internet access are staging a day of protest against the FCC’s plans to abdicate its role in protecting consumers and businesses from discrim...
  • Telecom

FCC Votes To Seek Comment On New Open Internet Rules

Washington - The FCC is now seeking public comment on what rules should be developed to protect the Open Internet. At the meeting today staff noted that all protection has lapsed since a court ruling ...

Tech Companies Report Internet Freedom Crackdowns Overseas

The Computer & Communications Industry Association responded today to the Commerce Department’s request for comments on obstructions to the global free flow of information on the Internet. The...
  • Content Moderation

Content Moderation

Intermediaries such as telecommunications and online service providers perform essential functions in promoting the internet economy. They have enabled e-commerce to become a vital component of the U....

Court of Justice of the EU Delivers Judgment In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM --  The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered its judgment in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics ...
  • Internet Freedom

Administration Should Not Embrace Censorship Nor Hamstring Efforts To Fight Online Extremism, Says CCIA

Washington, DC --  Following recent tragedies in Texas and Ohio, the White House has publicized a meeting with technology companies to discuss responses to violent online extremism.  At the same tim...

European Commission Issues Temporary Rules to Allow Companies to Continue Removal of Online Child Sexual Abuse Material

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published a proposed Regulation today allowing online communications providers to continue to detect and remove child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from the...

CCIA Offers Written Statement For House Energy And Commerce Hearing On Misinformation Online

Washington -- The CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter are testifying tomorrow at a hearing about misinformation and extremist content online.  The Computer & Communications Industry Associati...
  • Competition

New EU Distribution Rules Allow Discrimination Against Online Commerce

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission has published its draft revisions to distribution rules known as the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and the Vertical Guidelines (“VBER”). The VBER...
  • Press Releases
  • Privacy

CCIA Testifies Against Minnesota Bill Restricting Teens Access To Online Communities, Asks For Compliance Clarifications On Other Proposals

Washington – Minnesota is advancing legislation that would require online sites to collect additional personal data, including verifying users age and geolocation to comply with a slate of proposals...