Computer & Communication Industry Association

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The Open Wireless Movement and the push for alternative methods of internet access

Not too long ago, people were frantic about the FCC’s alleged promise to provide free WiFi to everyone. While this myth was quickly debunked, recent developments suggest that although the elusive pr...

FBI Calls For Legislation To Give Government Access To Encrypted Data

Washington – In a speech at the Brookings Institution today, FBI Director James Comey’s called on Congress to pass legislation giving the government statutorily mandated access to the encrypted da...
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An Open Internet is the Goal of Both Our US Delegation at ITU and the FCC

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is an arm of the United Nations and is dedicated to global coordination of things like satellite orbital slots, terrestrial spectrum use, and technical ...
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Wall Street Journal Open Internet Reporter Has a Grip; Editorial and Opinion Pages — Not So Much

If the FCC ends up deferring to common sense and classifies landline Internet access as a telecommunications service, most advocates for that move support use of only a few core provisions of Title II...
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Good for Sprint. Competition and Open Internet access For All.

Unlike certain legacy monopoly Internet service providers, both wired and wireless, Sprint has not opposed FCC open Internet access rules over the past year.   It understands that basic industry fra...

House, Senate Hold Open Internet Hearings

Washington -- Open Internet supporters told House Energy and Commerce Committee members today they are concerned that draft legislation would block the FCC’s ability to protect consumers’ access t...
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Engineers Go To Work on New TV Navigation Devices

Washington - Late last year, while reauthorizing satellite carriage of TV signals, Congress instructed the FCC to update its rules on interoperability for TV navigation devices.   Implementing the n...
  • Internet Freedom

Evolution of Open Internet to 2015 Success

Seven or eight years ago, the most active companies in the first Open Internet Coalition were Amazon, eBay, Google and Skype. Twitter was barely a twinkle and I don’t know how I really lived without...
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Law Enforcement, Civil Society Representatives Clash Over ‘Crypto Wars’ 2.0

Washington - This week was a busy one for in the tech policy space, especially when it came to discussions of privacy and security.  Yesterday there were two events with identical topics: the modern ...
  • Privacy & Security

Industry Leaders Ask House Leaders To Support Privacy Act Extension Bill

Washington -- Companies and trade associations representing leaders of U.S. industry sent a letter to House leadership Tuesday asking them to pass the Judicial Redress Act of 2015. The letter’s sign...
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Industry Asks Senate To Pass Bill Extending Rights in Privacy Act To Europeans, Others

Washington -- In a letter to Senate leaders Thursday, representatives of U.S. industry asked Senate leadership to support the Judicial Redress Act, S. 1600, which was introduced last week by Senators ...
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Senators, Panelists Say Judicial Redress Act Should Pass

Washington -- At a Capitol Hill briefing co-hosted by the Computer & Communications Industry Association and the Software & Information Industry Association yesterday, Senators Orrin Hatch and...