Computer & Communication Industry Association

Search Results for: google

CCIA Calls for Disclosure of Government Surveillance, Praises Bill To Declassify Some FISA Court Rulings

Recent reports regarding NSA access to phone call metadata and online communications and data have highlighted the continued importance of government transparency. The Computer & Communications In...
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Patent Troll Week in DC, NYC

The toll of patent trolls is a focus this week with the PTO hosting a software patent roundtable in New York and CCIA hosting a panel discussion on patent trolls on Capitol Hill Thursday. Earlier t...
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Panelists Discuss Future Internet Governance At World Press Freedom Day Event

Washington- Academics, companies and a State Department official outlined the challenges ahead for Internet governance and Internet freedom at a National Press Club event marking World Press Freedom D...
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IDEA, CCIA AND ICANN Co-Host Lunch For TISA Ambassadors, Private Sector Leaders In Geneva

Geneva - On May 15th, more than 40 leaders from the technology sector, international organisations and representatives of 15 of the countries participating in the Trade In Services (TISA) negotiations...
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Agenda Item for the new FCC: Robust Wireless Competition

Competition is a critical ingredient for functioning markets. Without it, we have market power, higher prices and market failure.  With it, we have new offers for smartphones without contracts or pe...
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Government Support for Fighting Patent Trolls Grows

Lawmakers have been speaking out about the patent troll epidemic in recent weeks and now it looks like they're ready to do something about it. Yesterday Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced tha...

New CCIA Research Paper: Search Engines Aren’t A Major Tool for Finding Copyright-Infringing Content

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has released a new research paper today, “The Search Fixation: Infringement, Search Results and Online Content.”  The first of a series of r...
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  • Telecom

Open Internet Rule Is About Broadband Internet Access in the US

The FCC Open Internet rule is about consumer and end user access to everything Americans want on the Internet.   It is not about big edge providers’ access to any particular end users.  Verizon h...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

Internet of Everything Rocks, but Internet For Everybody Should Not Be Lost in the Frenzy

Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of reddit, was in Washington earlier this month promoting his book about the economic importance of open Internet access for everybody on the planet.   Google is investi...

Privacy Policy

Website Visitors Like most website operators, the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) collects non-personally-identifying information that web browsers and servers typically make ...
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  • Taxes & Trade

Digital Trade Issues Feature Prominently in U.S. Trade Agenda

In a watershed rhetorical moment this week, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman not only acknowledged the importance of several digital trade issues but he highlighted them as key elements of the...

Justices Ask About Cloud Computing Impact of Aereo Case Today

Washington – The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in a case that could impact the future of cloud computing and TV watching. The Aereo case could turn on how the justices interpret the ...