Computer & Communication Industry Association

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Internet Addressing System To Transition To ICANN As Planned After Last-Ditch Effort To Derail Fails In Court

Washington -- The Department of Commerce is scheduled to transition administration of the technical underpinnings of the Internet’s addressing system to the private sector-led multi-stakeholder comm...
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On Shakespeare and Domain Name Blocking

Today’s New York Times features a peculiar editorial titled ‘Would the Bard Have Survived the Web?’, by Authors Guild representatives Scott Turow, Paul Aiken, and James Shapiro in advance of t...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA expresses serious concerns with Russia law to control Internet

Washington -- The Russian government has enacted legislation that will extend Russia's authoritarian control of the Internet by taking steps to create a local Internet infrastructure, shutting out cit...
  • Statements
  • Trade

CCIA Responds to Canadian Parliament Passing The Online News Act, Bill C-18

Washington— The Canadian Parliament passed legislation that would require internet services to pay fees when linking to news content. The Online News Act, C-18, has now received Royal Assent and ent...

CCIA Objects to Online Personal Privacy Act

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) announced its opposition to new privacy legislation introduced by Senator Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) today. The bill is Sen...
  • Telecom

Loopholes Remain After European Parliament Votes on Open Internet

Brussels -- Today the European Parliament's Industry committee voted on protections to the open Internet as part of a legislative package on telecommunications. The committee voted with 30 votes in fa...
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American Businesses Support Strong FCC Action to Maintain Open Internet Access for All

Today, the Internet Freedom Business Alliance was launched.  This new group has a bipartisan focus on advocating from an industry perspective for strong, enforceable FCC open Internet rules. Particip...
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Initial Thoughts On House Online Piracy Bill

On initial glance H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced in the House this week, is twice was long as its Senate counterpart the PROTECT IP Act and proposes broad, sweeping Internet regul...

CCIA Testimony Explains How China’s Internet Censorship Is A Trade Barrier

A joint Congressional Committee is examining Internet censorship in China at a hearing today. The Congressional Executive Committee on China is concerned about the various tools China uses to censor a...

UK Digital Economy Bill A Strike Against Internet Freedom

Despite protests from thousands of Internet users, the British House of Commons has passed its Digital Economy Bill. Once the bill passes the House of Lords, it allows the government to block websites...
  • Blog
  • Internet Freedom
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Russia’s Vote To Increase Internet Censorship Should Impact PNTR Debate

CCIA has grave concerns about legislation passed yesterday by the Russian Parliament that would establish a blacklist of websites that government could shut down, and hopes U.S. trade officials weigh ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Calls On Congress To Support “Save the Internet Act”

Washington -- House and Senate leaders have announced their “Save the Internet Act” to overturn the FCC’s repeal of nondiscrimination rules known as net neutrality. The U.S. Court of Appeals for...