Computer & Communication Industry Association


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EPC Debates Non-EU Skilled Worker Transfers

In July 2010 the European Commission proposed a new Directive for the “Intra-Corporate Temporary Transfer of Non-EU Skilled Workers”. The proposal’s aim is to facilitate for multinational comp...
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EC To Investigate Search Engine Policies

The European Commission has announced that it was opening an investigation into search and search advertising focused on Google. The investigation comes after complaints from three companies that we...
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The State of Play On ACTA in the EU

On 15th November the parties negotiating the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and the U.S.) published the...
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EU Employee Transfer Reform Increases Global Efficiency, Aids Innovation

The new 21st century economy is an increasingly globalized one, and multinational companies must be able to operate seamlessly across borders as a single global entity, rather than as a collection of...
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Stevie Wonder Asks WIPO For Balanced International Copyright Rules

Geneva – Stevie Wonder started a sing along Monday at the opening of a meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization. The blind soul singer, who has sold tens of millions of albums, aske...
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CCIA Releases EU Economic Study On Copyright Policy

A new study on the economic benefits of exceptions to copyright law released in Europe today by CCIA could help as policy makers around the world make decisions on how to balance copyright policy. T...
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Patent Prosecution by the Numbers – USPTO v. EPO

A January 7 article posted on the Intellectual Asset Management website alerted readers to a shortage of patent attorneys authorized to prosecute patents before the European Patent Office (EPO). ...
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Tech Association Welcomes FTC Decision To Investigate Intel On Antitrust Matters

The Computer & Communications Industry Association commends the Federal Trade Commission for opening up a formal antitrust investigation into Intel's alleged anticompetitive practices. This new...