Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Notice-and-Takedown Measures in Evolution

Notice-and-takedown (NTD) procedures and practices just recently caught renewed attention as a result of two events involving Google and its subsidiary YouTube. First, a video of Curiosity’s Mars la...
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The “Book Famine” Affecting Visually Impaired People Exposes Issues for Copyright Affecting Everyone

From July 16th to 25th, the world’s copyright decision-makers met, as they do twice each year, at the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) in Geneva. Are you sleeping yet? It ...
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European Parliament Rejects ACTA in Plenary Session

Last week the European Parliament (EP) rejected ACTA in its plenary session in Strasbourg. What might seemed very unlikely only a few months ago, in the final vote a total of 478 MEPs were against t...
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Internet Freedom Gains Attention With Fellowship Program, Events In Geneva

All around the world, a debate rages over the protection of users’ actions and information online. In the developed world, this is seen primarily through the lens of personal privacy protections: ho...
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EU: Public Consultation on ‘Notice and Action’ Procedures

Last week the European Commission initiated a public consultation titled: “A clean and open Internet: Public consultation on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal content hosted by online i...
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Trend Towards Copyright Reform For The Benefit Of Innovation Continues in Europe

As Europe debates the balance of intellectual property rights in the wake of ACTA, Ireland is taking comments through the end of this month on a paper it published on copyright and innovation. Desp...
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Another Setback for ACTA in Europe

By Jakob Kucharczyk in Brussels and Matt Schruers in Washington In another blow to the troubled Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the trade agree...
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The ACTA Debate in the Wider European Context

During the last weeks Europe has witnessed one of the most pronounced protests in recent years. The protests that initially started in the online world culminated in street demonstrations in dozens of...
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Tensions Rise in Global Battle Over Internet Freedom as UN Discusses Human Rights Online

In the global battle over the future of the Internet countries that stand for an open, dynamic web with minimal regulation and limits on free expression are increasingly under pressure from authoritat...
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International Conference in The Hague: Towards Flexible Copyright?

On February 10, the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice organized an international conference on copyright in The Hague. The conference provided Dutch decision makers with a good opportunity to sha...
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Keeping Governments from Controlling the Internet: Why Geneva Matters

Geneva is the epicenter of intergovernmental processes that have a key impact on the future of the Internet.  As the only ICT sector trade association in Geneva, CCIA Geneva is in a great position to...
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European Commission Presents E-Commerce Action Plan

On 11 January 2012 the Commission presented its Communication on e-commerce. The Communication sets out an action plan to double online sales and the share of the Internet economy in EU GDP by 2015. ...