Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Helps IGF Bring Internet Policy Issues Center Stage at Upcoming Bali Meeting

CCIA and our IDEA initiative are attending the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Bali, Indonesia next week (I’m attending for both) and we’re involved in several of the events taking place there ...
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Internet, innovation at the centre of major WTO event

The WTO public forum is perhaps the most visible result of the WTO’s revised public relations strategy following its tumultuous 1999 Ministerial Conference in Seattle. In recent years, it has become...
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Merkel’s Big Win – What’s in for the IT sector?

The recent federal elections in Germany were truly historical. Apart from Angela Merkel’s resounding victory the German liberals, the smaller coalition partner of the last Merkel-led government, did...
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Why the Internet Governance debate is repetitive and what the UN could do about it

The past 10 years of the international Internet governance debate must have reminded some observers of the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" - the same protagonists making the same arguments in a seemingly p...
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An Open Internet in Europe?: EU Advances SM Telecoms Regulation

In case you went on holiday and missed it: holidays have been cancelled this Summer. Well, if you work on telecomms policy issues in Brussels that is. In February this year the European Commission�...
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Notice-and-Action Procedures Coming Up in Europe

After closing a public consultation in September 2012, the Commission’s services responsible for the internal market have just sent the first drafts for a Directive on notice-and-action (N&A) pr...

CCIA Testifies On Digital Trade At TTIP Hearing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association outlined growing threats and policies that curb digital trade in testimony at a USTR hosted hearing Wednesday afternoon on the US/EU’s free t...
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IDEA, CCIA AND ICANN Co-Host Lunch For TISA Ambassadors, Private Sector Leaders In Geneva

Geneva - On May 15th, more than 40 leaders from the technology sector, international organisations and representatives of 15 of the countries participating in the Trade In Services (TISA) negotiations...
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Commission Paper on ‘Connected TV’ and its Relevance for Online Businesses

The European Commission has just launched a Green Paper entitled 'Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values’. The objective of this Paper is to start a broad, p...

CCIA’s Response To ETNO Economic Study

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association published a study late Wednesday offering policy recommendations to grow the European telecommunications sector titled “A Future Poli...
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The Underestimated Challenge for E-Commerce in Europe: Non-Notification of National Laws

As CCIA has repeatedly reported, Germany was the first country in the European Union to have passed a law, called the Leistungsschutzrecht, that extends copyright protection to text excerpts, like sn...
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Shifting Language Threatens WIPO Treaty on Visually Impaired

Throughout its 40-year history, CCIA has aligned itself with sensible IP and technology policy efforts and has also taken broader stands on things like human rights and free expression. Often, a case ...