Computer & Communication Industry Association


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New Council President can steer Europe towards Digital Leadership

Donald Tusk today takes office as President of the European Council representing the 28 EU Member States.  This inauguration completes the EU’s five year leadership change. Mr Tusk’s challenges ...
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EU To Consider Splitting Search Providers

The European Parliament filed a draft motion aimed at splitting Google’s search engine from its other commercial services. The motion could come up for a vote this month, though the move is largely ...
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The New Commission Must Make Online Sales Restrictions A Priority

Completing the digital single market to support Europe’s increasingly connected economy will be a top priority for the new Juncker-led Commission. While Commission officials embark upon formulating ...
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CCIA: Extend U.S. Privacy Protections to Europeans

Brussels -- Relations between the world’s two biggest trading blocs, the European Union (EU) and the United States, remain strained more than a year after the first revelations by Edward Snowden. In...
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New EU Cyber Security Directive should focus on protection of truly critical infrastructure

The European Parliament’s vote from March 2014 correctly improved the scope of the Network and Information Directive by focusing on truly critical infrastructure such as the energy, banking, and tra...
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Does the new EU leadership dare to embrace the Internet opportunity?

The European Parliament yesterday approved a new European Commission team which will take up office on November 1. The digital portfolio will be split between a Vice-President for the Digital Single ...
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European Parliament Votes To Approve New European Commission Team

Brussels - The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the European Parliament approval today of the new European Commission team, which will take up office on 1st November. The d...
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The Internet and the Rising Tide

The data on how successful European Internet firms are often surprises people. Between 2000 and 2013 there were 30 technology startups in Europe that achieved a valuation of more than 1 billion USD; i...

CCIA Joins Industry and Civil Society Groups In Joint Recommendations for the EU’s ITU Participation

Brussels - Since the Internet is such a critical platform for economic opportunity and social development, the EU should be a strong advocate for Internet governance that does not involve new governme...
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Digital Policy Under the Next European Commission

The new college of European Commissioners is expected to assume office on 1st November. While the whole college of Commissioners-designate presented by President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker will have to...
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Global stakeholders advance joint vision for the evolution of the Internet governance system at Istanbul conference

A record number of representatives from civil society, academia, business, technical community, and governments gathered in Istanbul on September 2-5 for the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF).  ...
  • EU

European Commissioners for Internet Matters Named

Brussels -- The European Commission’s incoming President Jean-Claude Juncker today announced how he would allocate portfolios among the 28 nominated Commissioners. Commission Vice President Andrus A...