Computer & Communication Industry Association


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MEPs, Academics, Businesses Discuss CCIA/EDiMA Internet Opportunity Study

Brussels  --- Just a month after an OECD report calling on Europe to boost productivity, CCIA and EDiMA released a report illustrating untapped potential of the Internet that could do just that. Bria...
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Scrapped Indian internet law is big win for freedom of speech online

India’s Supreme Court today, March 24, vetoed a controversial 2009 amendment to India’s Information Technology Act.  The court found it unconstitutional as a restriction on freedom of speech onli...
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“Internet Opportunity” Report Charts Europe’s Productivity Gains

Brussels –The Internet is helping traditional industries in Europe remain competitive, according to a new report released by the  Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and EDiMA...
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Digital is dead, long live digital!

We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in which our societies have become ever more digitized.  In consequence, we can no longer consider “digital” a separate phenomenon that must be addre...
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CCIA, Stakeholders Praise European Parliament’s Resolution Supporting the Internet Governance Forum and Online Freedoms

Brussels/Strasbourg -- As the Internet faces threats from some regimes, which seek curb online freedoms and more governmental control, the European Parliament has today issued an important resolution...
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How an EU-US trade deal can boost Europe’s digital economy

Brussels -- In case you missed the good news; Europe’s digital economy is thriving.  Consider a few facts: - The EU Internet economy is projected to grow 7 times faster than the overall EU GDP, w...
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CCIA Releases Digital Trade Recommendations As Fresh Start Of TTIP Talks Begin

Brussels - As EU and U.S. negotiators meet in Brussels for a “fresh start” on trade talks this week, they have an historic opportunity -- to eliminate outdated barriers to digital trade.  This is...
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Internet Policy in the EU: An Outlook for 2015

The year 2015 promises to be a busy year for EU policymakers. The President of the new European Commission has made digital policy a priority. In EU-parlance, the aim is to create a fully integrated D...
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How would Hercule Poirot Approach a State Aid Investigation?

The debate of the last couple of years about corporation tax in Europe resembles a popular ‘whodunnit’: point at an obvious suspect before realising that things are not as they seem. The storyline...
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Google News Is Shutting Down in Spain – A Bad Day For Citizens, Online Innovation and Publishers Themselves

Today we learnt that Google will shut down its ‘Google News’ service this year in Spain. This is just one consequence of the introduction in Spain of an ancillary copyright levy (known as the ‘A...

The Sky Is Truly Rising For The Luxury Goods Market, Study Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association has released the fourth study in the “The Sky is Rising” series focusing on the Internet’s economic impact on the luxury goods se...

Digital Technologies Are The Biggest Opportunity For Cultural Industries And Creativity, Paper Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association, together with the European Digital Media Association, has released the paper “Technology is Culture” illustrating how the Internet...