Computer & Communication Industry Association


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France should not repeat U.S. surveillance mistakes

Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government has put forward a controversial bill aimed at boosting its intelligence services. The proposal is expected to be voted into law b...
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European Commission Releases Digital Single Market Strategy: The Good and The Bad

[Ed. Note: This piece originally appeared on CCIA's Project DisCo blog] The European Commission has today released its new Digital Single Market Strategy. The objectives of the strategy sit withi...
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Europe’s Digital Strategy Must Enable Internet Innovation

Brussels - The European Commission today announced its determination to achieve the bold and necessary goal of creating a single European-wide digital market by stripping away unnecessary national rul...

Stakeholders issue recommendations on major UN information society review

Geneva -- As delegations convene this week in Geneva to agree on a resolution on the UN’s work on the information society, stakeholders agree on the following set of recommendations: The Resoluti...

Europe Faces Tough Digital Single Market Choices

Brussels - When the European Commission announces its new Digital Single Market Strategy on 6th May, it faces a decisive choice between a forward-looking enabling strategy for the Internet or an insul...
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The Digital Single Market Strategy Needs To Address Online Marketplace Bans

CCIA coordinated a coalition with European and national e-commerce associations that urged the Commission to address online marketplace bans in the upcoming Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy. We se...
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New civil society and industry coalition urges the EU to strengthen intermediary liability protections

A civil society and industry coalition today sent an open letter to European Commission leaders urging them to strengthen intermediary liability protections in the new European Digital Single Market ...
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The EU Should Strengthen, Not Weaken, Intermediary Liability Protections

The European Commission (EC) will on May 6 present a Digital Single Market Strategy, i.e. Europe’s next game plan for digital policy. Recent terrorist attacks in Europe have led some governments to...
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EU and U.S. leaders present shared Internet policy agenda at CCIA event

U.S. and the EU officials presented an ambitious shared agreement for cooperation on Internet policy at a well-attended stakeholder event hosted by CCIA in Brussels on April 14. CCIA warmly welcomes ...

EU Competition Commissioner Issues Statement of Objections to Google

Brussels - Today, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager announced that the European Commission has issued a statement of objections in the Google competition investigation.  The Commis...
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CCIA Presents Recommendations And Hosts Stakeholder Event, As EU And US Leaders Agree On Digital Cooperation

Brussels -- Senior officials from the U.S. Government and the European Commission meet in Brussels today to agree on a blueprint for digital cooperation.  In advance the Computer & Communications...
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CCIA Welcomes The Judicial Redress Act of 2015

CCIA supports the bipartisan Judicial Redress Act of 2015 as introduced by Representatives Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Conyers (D-MI). This Act is crucial to help restore global trust in the U.S. govern...