Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Welcomes USTR Conclusion that French Digital Tax Discriminates Against U.S. Tech

Washington -- The United States Trade Representative announced the findings of the first stage of its investigation into France’s Digital Services Tax under Section 301 of the Trade Act. The report ...

USTR Announces Plans To Issue Report On French Digital Tax Next Week

Washington -- The United States Trade Representative issued an update Wednesday on its Section 301 investigation into the French digital tax, saying the report would be issued Monday. This follows a r...

CCIA Welcomes the European Parliament’s Confirmation Vote on New European Commission

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Parliament formally approved the new European Commissioners. The new Commission, led by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, will take office on December ...

Industry Raises Concerns with Canadian Digital Tax Plans

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 14 other associations in sending a letter to the U.S. Trade Representative expressing concerns with Canada’s announced pla...

CCIA Applauds Bipartisan Congressional Letter On USMCA

Washington -- A group of 126 members of Congress, has sent a letter to United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer expressing concern with a provision in the implementation of the United Stat...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Calls for Ambitious Global Tax Reform in Comments to OECD Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association today filed comments with the OECD on their proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One regarding international t...

CCIA Asks Senate Judiciary To Extend And Strengthen USA FREEDOM Act Protections

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee holds its first hearing Wednesday on reauthorizing the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015. The Computer & Communications Industry Association is calling on senato...
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom
  • Jobs & Innovation
  • Competition
  • Telecom

CCIA Welcomes New Hires In Brussels and DC Offices

Washington/Brussels, BELGIUM  -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires for both its DC and Brussels offices. Kayvan Hazemi-Jebelli (Kay) joins the Brussels te...

CCIA Identifies Trade Barriers For Internet and Technology Services to USTR

Washington -- U.S. Internet and technology services are facing rising trade barriers around the world this part year from long-standing allies. The Computer & Communications Industry Association o...

CCIA Welcomes Third Privacy Shield Review

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, the European Commission issued its report following the third annual review of the Privacy Shield and recommends the continuation of the agreement on the transfer of commer...
  • Blog
  • Taxes & Trade

Independent Review Finds IRS Free File Program is Working, Successfully Serves Tens of Millions of Taxpayers

Washington -- For over 15 years, CCIA has supported a public-private partnership between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and tax preparation software companies to provide free tax software to lower...
  • Copyright

House Passes Copyright Small Claims Legislation

Washington -- Legislation to create a separate small claims tribunal within the Copyright Office has taken another step with House passage of the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act ...