Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Details Success of U.S. Free Trade Agreements to U.S. International Trade Commission

Washington - The International Trade Commission is currently preparing a report on the economic impact of various U.S. free trade agreements. The Computer & Communications filed comments Friday ex...

CCIA Identifies Trade Barriers For Internet and Technology Services to USTR

Washington — U.S. Internet and technology services continue to face rising trade barriers in foreign markets around the world. The Computer & Communications Industry Association detailed example...
  • Telecom

CCIA Statement On FCC Vote Against Net Neutrality

Washington -- The Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines to approve an Order on Remand responding to the issues sent back by the D.C. Circuit in the 2019 Mozilla decision regarding ...

CCIA Offers Comments To Commerce Department On Export Controls

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted comments in response to a Commerce Department inquiry about proposed new export controls on foundational technologies. CC...
  • Competition

CCIA Response To DOJ Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Search, Advertising

Washington -- The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Google covering issues spanning a previous FTC investigation, search, as well as digital advertising. Attorney General Barr, who had...

PTO Requests Comments On Changes To Make It Difficult To Challenge Weak Patents

Washington - The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has requested comments on making permanent changes to the system currently used to challenge weak or overly broad patents known as inter partes review...
  • Telecom

CCIA Expresses Concern About FCC Plans To Alter Legal Protections For Services Facilitating Free Speech Online

Washington -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai issued a statement today on liability rules for services that facilitate free speech online, saying he planned to move forward with st...
  • Telecom

CCIA Congratulates Nobel Laureates For Economic Model For FCC Spectrum Auctions

Washington -- This year’s Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded to two Stanford University professors who came up with the economic model that governments around the world now use to auction spe...
  • Competition

House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Proposal Calls For Competition Policy Changes That Take Aim At Tech Companies, Consumers 

Washington -- House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee chairman David Cicilline has released a Democratic-only proposal targeting several popular tech companies. The recommendations include introducing ...

CCIA To Testify Before ITC On Positive Impact of U.S. Free Trade Agreements

Washington -- The International Trade Commission is beginning two days of hearings on the economic impact of various U.S. free trade agreements. Computer & Communications Industry Association Vice...
  • Copyright

Supreme Court To Hear Case, Set Precedent On Interoperability For Tech Products

Washington -- The Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a case Wednesday that has implications for much of the tech industry and the economy. The Google v. Oracle case, which has been litigated for...
  • Cybersecurity

CCIA Submits Comments on the Review of EU Cybersecurity Law

CCIA has submitted comments to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive. Two years into force, CCIA believes that the NIS Direc...