Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedOctober 27, 2020

CCIA Statement On FCC Vote Against Net Neutrality

Washington — The Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines to approve an Order on Remand responding to the issues sent back by the D.C. Circuit in the 2019 Mozilla decision regarding the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. 

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed various comments with the FCC and amicus briefs supporting net neutrality for more than 15 years. CCIA had joined other associations in an appeals court brief asserting that the FCC illegally eviscerated its earlier net neutrality rules.The following can be attributed to CCIA President Matt Schruers:

“CCIA continues to support strong, clear, bright-line rules preventing blocking, throttling, and discrimination like paid prioritization by internet access providers. These rules benefit all internet users and businesses as they encourage more competition and innovation by putting the next start-up on equal ground with bigger businesses.”