Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Applauds Bach Decision

Washington, DC - A federal court ruling governing how Internet services providers must respond to search warrants will protect the rights of the public without imposing unnecessary burdens on Internet...

CCIA Urges Action on Cybersecurity

Washington, DC - Unenforced procurement rules, insufficient guidelines and a lack of accountability hamper efforts to secure Federal computer networks from terrorists and other online criminals, the C...

CCIA Statement on Microsoft Trial Ruling

Washington, DC - The decision by Judge Kollar-Kotelly to not overturn the flimsy and inadequate remedy, which a newly elected and politically beholden Justice Department reached with Microsoft, is ver...

CCIA Hails IRS-Industry Agreement

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today praised the announcement by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that an agreement had been reached with private-sect...

Civilians, not police, should guide computer security, CCIA says

Washington, DC - Concerned that the FBI and other security minded agencies will eclipse legitimate privacy and commercial interests, CCIA President Ed Black urged House Science Chair Chairman Sherwood...

CCIA: Contract Bundling Impediment to Full and Open Competition

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today submitted comments to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) describing the potential competitive barriers creat...


London, Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - The Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today released a study on the future of E-Government in the United Kingdom. The new public policy analy...

CCIA Files Amicus Brief with Supreme Court Opposing Copyright Term Extension

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) joined with several other groups to oppose the recent extension of copyright terms by Congress in a case before the U.S. ...

CCIA Applauds Decision to Retain Joint DoJ-FTC Merger Review Jurisdiction

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today applauded the Justice Department’s decision to scuttle an agreement that would have granted it sole authority to ...

CCIA Opposes Online Personal Privacy Act

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today announced its strong opposition S. 2201, the Online Personal Privacy Act. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science...

CCIA Urges California Supreme Court to Reject Universal Internet Jurisdiction

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed an amicus curiae brief today with the California Supreme Court, urging the court to overturn a controversial lower ...

CCIA Urges Senate to Pass TPA Immediately

Washington, DC - Today, Ed Black, President & CEO of the Computer & Communications Industry Association joined other leading high-tech association heads in calling for passage of Trade Promoti...