Computer & Communication Industry Association


Upcoming Event: 36th Annual Washington Caucus

Computer and Communications Industry Association 36 Annual Washington Caucus May 6, 2009 NEWSEUM Featuring: Rep. Rick Boucher, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Anna Eshoo, Rep. Goodlatte, and more to ...

CCIA Releases 110th Congress High Tech Scorecard

Twenty-two senators scored above 80 percent on tech and innovation votes during the second session of the 110th Congress, which ended earlier this year. In the House, 32 members scored in the top tier...

CCIA Praises Chopra Appointment As Chief Technology Officer

The following statement is in response to President Obama’s announcement today that he is naming Aneesh Chopra to the post of Chief Technology Officer. It can be attributed to Ed Black, the Presiden...

CCIA Hails FCC Launch of National Broadband Planning Process

The FCC will begin gathering information Wednesday for a new national broadband plan. The Computer & Communications Industry Association anticipates the development of a holistic plan to make affo...

CCIA Calls for More Openness in Cloud Openness Plan

As an organization that has advocated for open markets, open systems and open networks for 38 years, the Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates a recent effort to get agreement...

CCIA Reaction To Potential IBM, Sun Microsystems Merger

According to various news reports, IBM is in merger talks with Sun Microsystems Inc. These high tech giants have several overlapping products and services and are key players in numerous markets, incl...

Shapiro To Return To Justice Department

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is praising the return of a top information economy and antitrust expert to the Department of Justice. President Obama has appointed economist Ca...

CCIA Praises Introduction Of Patent Reform Legislation

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is applauding the reintroduction of the Patent Reform Act today by Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., former Chairman Orrin Hatch, R...

CCIA Concerned About Bills Today That Attack E-Commerce

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is concerned about three bills introduced today that will treat online marketplaces in a discriminatory fashion in response to retailers claims t...

CCIA Reaction To Supreme Court Order In Rambus Case

While the Supreme Court passing over the appeal in the Federal Trade Commission's case against Rambus is disappointing, the Computer & Communications Industry Association is expressing optimism ab...

CCIA Praises Leibowitz As Likely Pick To Chair FTC

The following statement is in response to news reports that President Obama is naming Jon Leibowitz to the post of FTC chairman. It can be attributed to Ed Black, the President and CEO of the Computer...

Italian Privacy Violation Case Wednesday Could Set Dangerous Precedent

The Computer & Communications Industry Association will be among those monitoring the outcome of a privacy violation case Wednesday (February 18) in Italy. Several Google executives face up to 3 y...