Computer & Communication Industry Association


Upcoming Event: A Tale of the Google Book Settlement and the Public Interest: Conclusions On The Competitive Elements

“A Tale of the Google Book Settlement and the Public Interest: Conclusions On The Competitive Elements” Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:00 – 2:00 pm The National Press Club, Washington, D.C. Vi...

CCIA Statement on Microsoft Yahoo Search Deal

Microsoft and Yahoo have announced a ten year Internet search deal today. The agreement means Microsoft’s Bing search engine will power the searches on Yahoo’s websites. The following statement...

Fair Use, Other Exceptions To Copyright Law Provide Economic Benefits Too

In response to a study released by the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) today regarding the contribution of copyright industries to the U.S. economy, the following statement can be ...

CCIA Applauds Delay In China’s ‘Green Dam’ Project

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates China’s decision to delay implementation of its new Internet censorship tools. China had planned to require all computers sold afte...

CCIA Files Health IT Comments With HIT Policy Committee

As the Obama administration takes steps to bring down health care costs, it has asked for public comments due today on the Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology. The Computer & Communica...

CCIA Appreciates U.S. Letter Objecting To China’s ‘Green Dam’

The Computer & Communications Industry Association expressed appreciation Wednesday that two U.S. Cabinet secretaries raised the issue of Internet censorship with Chinese officials. In a joint let...

CCIA Notes Dangers Of Deep Packet Inspection Used By Governments Like Iran

As Iranians demonstrate in the wake of the election, Iranian officials have tried to control access to information by kicking journalists out of the country and limiting what official news outlets can...

CCIA Hopes Ridiculous Thomas-Rasset Copyright Fine Brings US ‘One Step Closer’ To Legal Reforms

A picture may be worth a thousand words. But if those words are a song put on a file-sharing network on the Internet, it’s worth $80,000. That’s what a Minnesota jury found yesterday in a retrial ...

CCIA Applauds Kappos’ Nomination For Commerce Undersecretary and PTO Director

The following statement is in response to President Obama's nomination of David Kappos for Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark O...

CCIA Comments For House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Behavioral Advertising/ Privacy Hearing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates Chairman Rush organizing today’s hearing about the relationships among online behavioral advertising, the health of e-commerce, and...

CCIA Comments For House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Behavioral Advertising/ Privacy Hearing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates Chairman Rush organizing today’s hearing about the relationships among online behavioral advertising, the health of e-commerce, and...

P2P Filesharing Retrial Highlights Out of Tune Damage Awards

The retrial for Jammie Thomas-Rassat begins today in Minnesota. In October 2007, she was found guilty of illegally downloading and sharing music. Thomas-Rassat was ordered to pay $222,000 to six recor...