Computer & Communication Industry Association


A Mountain of Evidence is Released Supporting Charges Against Intel

Today, the European Commission released a substantial portion of the evidence that it relied upon in finding that Intel violated antitrust laws with its controversial business practices.  The evidenc...

FCC Chairman Takes Stand For Internet Users With Net Neutrality Proposal

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski proposed the FCC adopt as existing principles to keep the Internet open, and he also added two additional principles to adopt – non-discrimination and transparency/di...

CCIA’s Response To DOJ Brief Filed In Google Book Settlement

The Department of Justice announced late Friday that it liked the idea of a vibrant marketplace for the electronic distribution of in print, out of print and so-called orphaned books. The DOJ also sup...

Intel Has Chance To Reboot Legal, Business Practices

Intel has announced the departure of its general counsel, Bruce Sewell, in the middle of its global antitrust defense effort. Today, it was announced that Sewell will be taking over the general counse...

CCIA Calls France’s ‘Three Strikes’ Law A Strike Against Internet Freedom and Free Speech

CCIA Calls France’s ‘Three Strikes’ Law A Strike Against Internet Freedom and Free Speech Washington – A trade association that has been a long-time advocate for Internet freedom is calling on...

CCIA Weighs in on Google Book Settlement in U.S., Europe

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed a brief today telling a New York federal court that competition concerns surrounding the Google Book Settlement were without merit. The...

CCIA Campaign: Intel’s Harm to Consumers

CCIA Campaign: Intel's Harm to Consumers

CCIA Equates British Proposal To Bad Movie Plot, A Plot Against Democracy

A British proposal to cut Internet access to alleged copyright infringers is under criticism from civil rights and other groups. This week Britain’s Department for Business Innovation and Skills ann...

CCIA Files Amici Brief In Reed Elsevier, Inc v. Irvin Muchnick

The Computer & Communications Industry Association and the Netcoalition filed an amici brief with the Supreme Court Wednesday asking that the Court honor the jurisdictional limits on copyright law...

CCIA Praises Malaysia, China Decisions On Internet Filtering

News reports Thursday quote a Malaysian government official saying that three ministries have been asked to study alternatives to Internet filtering. This follows earlier news reports that the Malaysi...

CCIA Praises WTO Ruling As First Step To Information Access

The World Trade Organization has ruled that China was violating international trade rules with its restrictions on importing U.S. music, movies and books. The ruling comes after a complaint from U.S. ...