Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Literature Review: Patent Litigation Popularity

Another recent article, cleverly titled, Of Trolls, Davids, Goliaths, and Kings: Narratives and Evidence in the Litigation of High-Tech Patents, seeks to quantify the most popular “type” of pate...
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Literature Review: New Research Sheds Light on Patent Troll Litigation

New scholarship from prominent law professors confirms that patent trolls have become a tremendous influence on the legal system, and that their efforts have been targeted at a number of distinct indu...
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Will Brown’s victory derail patent reform?

Scott Brown’s recent Senate victory sent shockwaves well beyond the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It ended the Democrats’ filibuster proof majority, and makes broad efforts at reform a challenge....

CCIA Files Privacy Comments

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed comments today in response to a request from the FCC to answer questions on the relevance of online privacy protections to broadband ...

CCIA Releases Internet Freedom Paper Outlining Goals

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates the long overdue attention the administration is bringing to the multifaceted human rights issue of Internet freedom. CCIA is rele...

Internet Freedom As A Top Diplomatic Priority Welcome, Overdue

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Thursday unrestricted Internet access will be a top diplomatic priority. The State Department estimates that 30 percent of the global population lives in n...
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Patent Trolling for Dummies

A step-by-step guide to the business of ‘being infringed’: Apply for or acquire vaguely worded, broad patents in areas where the business community is already investing money. When applying, l...
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Series on Venue Shopping and the Eastern District of Texas Part 2

The Big Question: Why are so many patent cases brought to Marshall?There are three probable explanations for why cases are taken to Marshall so often: plaintiff-friendly juries, the “rocket docket�...
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Obama Blasts USPTO system as ‘embarrassing’

At a time when America is trying to regain its economic footing, we need to ensure that new innovation is taking place at a rapid place that can help pull the country out of tough times. However, it�...
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Introducing a Series on Venue Shopping and the Eastern District of Texas

One of the problems that could be addressed by patent reform legislation is venue shopping. In a series of posts we’ll look at a popular litigation destination and why lawyers are taking up residenc...

CCIA Files Comments In Response To FCC Net Neutrality Rules

This afternoon the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments supporting the FCC’s adoption of six principles designed to preserve and protect public access to the open Inte...

CCIA Says Chinese Censorship Violates Trade Agreements

Chinese Internet users are expressing concern about Google’s announcement that it may shut down its website because of government censorship and recent cyber attacks. Such continued attacks and cens...