Computer & Communication Industry Association


FCC To Release Broadband Access Report

The FCC is expected to release a report concluding that high speed Internet access is not being deployed quickly enough. In a study that could be released as early as today, the FCC is expected to poi...
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CCIA Releases EU Economic Study On Copyright Policy

A new study on the economic benefits of exceptions to copyright law released in Europe today by CCIA could help as policy makers around the world make decisions on how to balance copyright policy. T...

CCIA Releases EU Study Calculating Economic Value of Copyright Exceptions

Brussels – Industries that rely on exceptions and limitations that balance copyright laws are growing 3 percent faster than the rest of the EU economy, according to a new study released by the Compu...

Data Available On Unsecured Wireless Networks and To IAPs Raise Privacy Issues

Washington – A group called Consumer Watchdog, which has almost exclusively focused on regularly criticizing Google, recently undertook an effort to gather and release personal data it collected out...

CCIA Opposes Bill To Expand Internet Tax Collection

Just before the Independence Day weekend, a bill was introduced in the House that would increase the tax collection burden for thousands of small, independent businesses using the Internet to sell the...

ACTA Threatens Internet Freedom, U.S. Business Overseas

As the nation prepares to celebrate its independence this weekend, an international agreement under negotiation in Switzerland this past week threatens to limit the protection of and extension of our ...

Supreme Court Compounds Uncertainty For Business Method Patents

The Supreme Court has issued a long awaited decision that could impact whether business methods can be patented. The Supreme Court denied a patent for a risk management method in Bilski v. Kappos, whi...

DMCA Safe Harbor Ruling Strikes A Balance

Washington – Viacom v. YouTube copyright case. This decision shows that the DMCA safe harbors are working, and that Congress struck the proper balance, by providing robust protection for creators...
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DMCA Safe Harbors Strike a Balance

Today a federal judge in New York granted YouTube’s motion for summary judgment in the closely-watched Viacom v. YouTube copyright case. Viacom sued YouTube for copyright infringement over the ap...
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Stimulating Bridges to Broadband

A new report from the Pew Center on States suggests that the biggest obstacle to bringing broadband Internet to Americans may just be Americans themselves. While the majority of Americans currently ...

CCIA Releases IP Enforcement Strategy Questions

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is releasing a list of questions that should be asked as the Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement releases its strategy to coordinate IP e...
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Cybersecurity Concerns Lead to House Support for Senate Leiberman-Collins-Carper Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Homeland Security (“HSC”) held a Wednesday morning hearing on “Cybersecurity: DHS’s Role, Federal Efforts and National Policy.” Archived v...