Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Stevie Wonder Asks WIPO For Balanced International Copyright Rules

Geneva – Stevie Wonder started a sing along Monday at the opening of a meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization. The blind soul singer, who has sold tens of millions of albums, aske...
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House Subcommittee Gets A Snapshot Of Antitrust In The Digital Age

The House Judiciary subcommittee on competition asked the FTC, several antitrust experts and some industry advocates and critics whether current antitrust rules are working and should be enforced for ...

CCIA Testifies at House Antitrust Hearing

Computer & Communications Industry Association President & CEO Ed Black is scheduled to testify Thursday at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing, “Competition in the Evolving Digital Marke...

Latest ACTA Draft An Improvement, But Does Not Fix Disharmony In International Laws On Copyright Limitations And Exceptions: CCIA

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution today that shows the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may face an uphill battle getting approval in Europe. Written Declaration 12 denounces the s...
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Commerce To Ask For Examples of Economic Costs of Internet Censorship

Expect more action at the Commerce Department on Internet Freedom this fall. Anita Ramasastry, senior advisor for the International Trade Administration told those attending an Internet Freedom panel ...
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Progressive Bloggers Get Progress Report On Net Neutrality At Netroots Nation

James Rucker, co-founder of Color of Change, told progressive bloggers Thursday the FCC is trying to guarantee a level playing field for all websites and Internet technologies. But he said some of the...

CCIA Renews Call for FCC To Reclassify Broadband Access

The agreement released yesterday between two major stakeholders in the net neutrality debate – an Internet Access Provider, Verizon, and a content provider, Google, -- is an important development wh...

FTC – Intel Settlement: Will It Stop Anticompetitive Practices? The Devil Will be in the Details

Today, the Federal Trade Commission announced a proposed settlement with Intel that attempts to halt the company’s anticompetitive behavior and at least partially reverse its effects. CCIA echoes...

CCIA Supports New Bill to Address Organized Retail Theft

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the introduction of H.R. 5932, the Organized Retail Theft Investigation and Prosecution Act, by Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va.. The bill would ...

CCIA Supports Resolution Against Internet Tax Collection

The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds Rep. Paul Hodes, D-N.H., for introducing H. Res. 1570, a resolution with co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle that would stop any new ...

EU Announces Full Investigation Into IBM’s Anticompetitive Conduct

Today, the European Commission announced that it was opening a full investigation into IBM’s behavior in the mainframe computer market.  This follows many months during which a variety of companies...
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The Expanding Twilight Zone of Abstract Uncertainty

Monday, June 28 was the day the U.S. Supreme Court was to decide the patent case of the century, Bilski v. Kappos, and bring clarity to the debacle of the 1998 State Street Bank decision. In State...