Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Freeing Spectrum Ahead Of Wireless Demand 'Tsunami'

A day ahead of the FCC’s summit on wireless spectrum, several Obama officials spoke at a Brookings Institution event Wednesday about what to do about the looming spectrum shortage. The FCC is work...
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New Product, Same Old Turf Wars

The nation's leading broadcasters are blocking TV episodes on their websites from playing on Google’s new web television service. The Wall Street Journal reports ABC, NBC and CBS have blocked thos...
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Co-author of Online Free Speech Petition in China Wins Nobel

On Oct. 8, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Liu is a longtime democracy advocate and one of the authors of Charter 08, a manifesto calling for democr...
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Net Neutrality Issue Predates the Commercial Internet

As the net neutrality debate drags on into another season, perhaps some historical “big picture” context is in order. AT&T was broken up in the early 1980s under the terms of an antitrust c...

Improved ACTA Draft Released, Foreign Legal Threats To US Companies Remain

The latest draft of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement raises serious questions about - and potential flaws with - the possibility of including new subject matter in this agreement at the elevent...
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European Parliament Demands ACTA Draft After EC Says Language Nearly Final

Members of the European Parliament are angered the European Commission has announced agreement on final language for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement – without revealing what’s in the lat...
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CCIA Calls For Online Privacy Law Updates

Rep. Boucher, D-Va., is vowing to bring up privacy legislation in the House next year – regardless of which party ends up in control after the elections.  Last week, CCIA submitted a statement fo...

CCIA Praises House Chairman, Now Asking FCC For Net Neutrality Action

For many weeks, House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Waxman conducted an arduous and excruciating series of negotiations aimed at making peace among stakeholders in the net neutrality debate...
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Internet Heavweights, Consumer, Library, Tech Associations Raise 1st Amendment Concerns About Infringement Bill

Senate Judiciary Committee leaders and staff are getting an earful from a broad coalition of tech companies, consumers’ groups and Internet engineers about a newly introduced bill it hoped to mark...

FCC Approves White Spaces Plan To Bring Next Generation Wireless Broadband

The FCC unanimously has approved details of a plan to bring “super Wi-Fi” to consumers. The FCC voted on the details to transfer so called “white spaces”, the spectrum between TV signals, to u...

Senate Panel Considers ECPA Updates

Members of the Digital Due Process coalition told Senate Judiciary Committee members they need an update to Electronic Communications Privacy Act to support the growth of new technologies, like cloud ...
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Border Security Bill Reignites Call For Immigration Reform

While prospects for Congressional action on comprehensive immigration reform this year remain bleak, there has been some action on narrower immigration bills.  CCIA has supported and continues to sup...