Computer & Communication Industry Association


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What Election Results Mean For Tech Policy

Though a few key races for the tech industry remain undecided, CCIA and others interested in tech policy are sorting through what this election and the divided government left in its aftermath mean fo...
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Tech Panelists Explain Remaining Problems With ACTA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may have been negotiated behind closed doors, but the Washington International Trade Association hosted an open discussion on the final draft of the controversi...
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CCIA Files Comments With French Government’s P2P Infringement Agency

On Friday the Computer & Communications Industry Association's Executive Vice President Erika Mann wrote the French copyright enforcement authority, HADOPI, expressing concern about the unintend...
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CCIA Files Comments With French Government's P2P Infringement Agency

On Friday the Computer & Communications Industry Association's Executive Vice President Erika Mann wrote the French copyright enforcement authority, HADOPI, expressing concern about the unintend...

Upcoming Event: WITA To Host ACTA Panel Discussion

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may have been negotiated behind closed doors, but the Washington International Trade Association is hosting an open discussion on the final draft of the controv...
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Fox Rebroadcast Standoff Illustrates Open Internet Problem With Bundling Content and Conduit

Were you planning to have some friends over to watch the first game of the World Series, or maybe Glee’s Rocky Horror episode?  Well, if you’re a Cablevision subscriber in New York, New Jersey, o...
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Wu’s Advice On ‘The Internet’s Midlife Crisis’

At Monday’s New America Foundation event, "The Internet’s Mid-Life Crisis," Tim Wu of Columbia University Law School offered a preview of his upcoming book The Master Switch:  The Rise and Fall ...
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Wu's Advice On 'The Internet's Midlife Crisis'

At Monday’s New America Foundation event, "The Internet’s Mid-Life Crisis," Tim Wu of Columbia University Law School offered a preview of his upcoming book The Master Switch:  The Rise and Fall ...
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TPI Antitrust Event Offers Company Side Of Debate

The Technology Policy Institute reviewed major past antitrust cases before looking to the future and the potential for regulators to jump in on issues like cloud computing. Panelists at the Friday eve...
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Tech Policy Lobbyists Tell Executives FCC Must Act Now … Or Face Irrelevancy

Tech policy lobbyists took the net neutrality debate to more neutral territory Thursday as they explained the issue and why it matters to business executives at a panel discussion in Tysons Corner. ...
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The Growing Conflict: Patents v. Products

Apple vs. HTC; Oracle vs. Google; Microsoft vs. Motorola; Nokia vs. Apple…. Where will the patent meltdown end? This didn’t happen with PCs. Why now? These companies are not patent trolls. They...
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Freeing Spectrum Ahead Of Wireless Demand ‘Tsunami’

A day ahead of the FCC’s summit on wireless spectrum, several Obama officials spoke at a Brookings Institution event Wednesday about what to do about the looming spectrum shortage. The FCC is work...