Computer & Communication Industry Association


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How open is open?

In December, the long awaited version 2.0 of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) was released by the European Commission. Version 1.0 had defined “open standard” as royalty-free, a defin...
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Skilled Immigration Reform in the New Congress

With Republican control of the House and a larger Republican minority in the Senate, the conventional wisdom seems to be that any legislative action on immigration reform will be difficult. Certainly ...
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Concerns Over Comcast Merger

Late last month FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski began circulating an order approving the proposed merger of Comcast with NBC Universal. Throughout the regulatory approval process lawmakers, industry g...
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Patent Reform On New Subcomittee’s Agenda

As Congress returns this week, intellectual property reform will likely be high on the agenda of the Judiciary committee’s new Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet.�...
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Patent Reform On New Subcomittee's Agenda

As Congress returns this week, intellectual property reform will likely be high on the agenda of the Judiciary committee’s new Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet.�...

FCC Approves Open Internet Rules

The FCC approved rules today designed to defend consumers’ access to an open Internet. The rules offer some protections to ensure the Internet remains open after a recent court decision invalidated ...

CCIA Asks For Improvements Before Net Neutrality Vote

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is asking the FCC to close some loopholes and strengthen its latest net neutrality plan ahead of a scheduled vote Tuesday. In addition to meet...

Tech Companies Report Internet Freedom Crackdowns Overseas

The Computer & Communications Industry Association responded today to the Commerce Department’s request for comments on obstructions to the global free flow of information on the Internet. The...

FCC Chair Offers Latest Plan To Protect Broadband Internet Access

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski put Open Internet access on the December agenda and offered his latest proposal to fellow Commissioners Wednesday. The plan, after much negotiations with major carriers...
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EC To Investigate Search Engine Policies

The European Commission has announced that it was opening an investigation into search and search advertising focused on Google. The investigation comes after complaints from three companies that we...
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The State of Play On ACTA in the EU

On 15th November the parties negotiating the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and the U.S.) published the...
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Online Censorship Bill Now On Hold

A bill that would have led to more Internet censorship is on ice -- thanks to a hold placed on it by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), S.3804, wi...