Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Employers’ Important Role in Skilled Immigration

At a Brookings event Monday on high skilled immigration policy, Dr. Jeanne Batalova of the Migration Policy Institute presented her “Brain Waste” study on how many college-educated immigrants ...
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Employers' Important Role in Skilled Immigration

At a Brookings event Monday on high skilled immigration policy, Dr. Jeanne Batalova of the Migration Policy Institute presented her “Brain Waste” study on how many college-educated immigrants ...

Upcoming Event: 2011 Democratic Member Breakfast Briefing Thursday

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“Internet Kill Switch” Bill Conflicts With Broader US Internet Agenda

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) says she plans to re-introduce legislation that would grant the President broad authority over swaths of Internet infrastructure to confront a “cyber emergency.” The r...
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"Internet Kill Switch" Bill Conflicts With Broader US Internet Agenda

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) says she plans to re-introduce legislation that would grant the President broad authority over swaths of Internet infrastructure to confront a “cyber emergency.” The r...
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CCIA 2011 Highlights

The year was marked with challenges to the open Internet starting with the shutdown of the Internet in Egypt, threats to competition in the mobile market and the introduction of legislation in Congres...
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CCIA Offers Data Privacy Comments

CCIA submitted comments to the Department of Commerce January 28th in response to the green paper they released in December entitled "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy."...

CCIA Offers Data Privacy Comments

CCIA submitted comments to the Department of Commerce January 28th in response to the green paper they released in December entitled "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy."...

CCIA Praises U.S. Admonishment Of Social Media Shut Down in Egypt

The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds Secretary Clinton's public request to a U.S. ally to stop blocking social networking sites being used by political protesters and not to...
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President Outlines Innovation Agenda in SOTU

In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama urged Congress to put America’s future first by making the investments in innovation, education, and infrastructure that will allow Ame...
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Preserving Competition and Consumer Choice among Mobile Broadband Providers

No wireless carrier has a 100% network footprint across the entire United States.  So in order for all competitors to offer seamless mobile service, all carriers must interconnect and provide “out ...
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EPC Debates Non-EU Skilled Worker Transfers

In July 2010 the European Commission proposed a new Directive for the “Intra-Corporate Temporary Transfer of Non-EU Skilled Workers”. The proposal’s aim is to facilitate for multinational comp...