Computer & Communication Industry Association


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International Conference in The Hague: Towards Flexible Copyright?

On February 10, the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice organized an international conference on copyright in The Hague. The conference provided Dutch decision makers with a good opportunity to sha...

CCIA Welcomes Lungren-Lofgren Resolution Against Internet Tax Collection

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) applauds Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA) and lead Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) for introducing the "Supporting the Preservation o...

Expansion of CALEA Concerns CCIA

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is sending to all Members of Congress a joint letter expressing concern about the impact of renewed efforts to expand the government’s power to...
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Lightsquared Announcement Disappoints CCIA, Wireless Users

The FCC has revoked Lightsquared's waiver to operate its nationwide, satellite-based broadband network. The move comes after those trying to block the system lobbied against it claiming it would inter...
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On Shakespeare and Domain Name Blocking

Today’s New York Times features a peculiar editorial titled ‘Would the Bard Have Survived the Web?’, by Authors Guild representatives Scott Turow, Paul Aiken, and James Shapiro in advance of t...
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Keeping Governments from Controlling the Internet: Why Geneva Matters

Geneva is the epicenter of intergovernmental processes that have a key impact on the future of the Internet.  As the only ICT sector trade association in Geneva, CCIA Geneva is in a great position to...
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Let’s Get Smart About Online Outlaws

Friends of mine who are real movie buffs with an enviable home theater and other wonderful rooms throw an annual Oscars party complete with red carpet and guests dressed up as characters from the year...
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Websites and the “Natural Monopoly” Myth

Over the past few years there has been a tendency, especially by those in the financial press, to play it fast and loose with economic jargon. Buzzwords replace actual understanding of issues and the ...
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Websites and the "Natural Monopoly" Myth

Over the past few years there has been a tendency, especially by those in the financial press, to play it fast and loose with economic jargon. Buzzwords replace actual understanding of issues and the ...
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Necessity The Mother of Invention

When it comes to innovation, people often think of a research lab as the setting for new inventions or perhaps more recently the college dorm room or garage. But a new study by scholars including no...
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Internet Freedom and Jackson-Vanik

One of the most prominent trade issues in 2012 centers on Congressional approval of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia.  While extending PNTR to Russia would provide some economic be...
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SOPA Activism Spreads To Protests Against ACTA

In the wake of successful, widespread Internet activism against SOPA and PIPA, some momentum has been driven to ACTA, which may be a new four-letter acronym to many people, but has been around for yea...