Computer & Communication Industry Association


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House Communications Subcommittee Expected To Register Disapproval of FCC’s Rules To Ensure Customers’ Open Internet Access

Months after the FCC’s December vote to approve the Open Internet Order we’re still talking about net neutrality. Nonstop. The House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communica...
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House Communications Subcommittee Expected To Register Disapproval of FCC's Rules To Ensure Customers' Open Internet Access

Months after the FCC’s December vote to approve the Open Internet Order we’re still talking about net neutrality. Nonstop. The House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communicatio...

CCIA Supports Risch-Udall Amendment To Patent Reform Bill

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has sent a letter to Senators Monday morning, asking them to support an amendment to promote real reform in S. 23, which is up for a vote. CCIA...
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British Library Hosts Copyright For Creativity Event

The British Library hosted a ‘Copyright for Creativity’ (C4C) event in London with Members of European Parliament (MEPs) and UK Members of Parliament (MPs) Feb 10. The goal was to highlight and un...
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Tech Industry Opposes Senate Patent Reform Bill

CCIA President & CEO Ed Black has written to the Senate opposing S.23, the Patent Reform Act of 2011. The bill has been marked up by the Senate Judiciary Committee and is scheduled for a floor v...

CCIA Letter Opposing Senate’s Latest Patent Reform Bill

The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to senators Monday morning explaining its opposition to S. 23, the senate's latest patent reform legislation. While CCIA was an o...

CCIA Letter Opposing Senate's Latest Patent Reform Bill

The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter to senators Monday morning explaining its opposition to S. 23, the senate's latest patent reform legislation. While CCIA was an o...
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Big Week For Online Privacy Initiatives

Yesterday was a big day for privacy as the White House released its white paper on consumer privacy, and simultaneously a group consisting of nearly all of the online advertising companies announced t...
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You Bought It, But Do You Own It?

Today marks the launch of an initiative, the Fan Freedom Project, focused on consumers’ problems with restrictive paperless ticketing – the practice of using electronic ticketing to control or ta...

CCIA Applauds Senators For Standing Up For Consumers, Internet Freedom

The House appears to be trying to use the budget review process to silence the agency charged with protecting consumers’ rights to access communications services like the Internet – the FCC. The H...
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Thoughts On Information Sharing As Congress Introduces Cybersecurity Bill

Last week, after much anticipation and delay, the bipartisan Senate cybersecurity legislation, S. 2105 – Cybersecurity Act of 2012, was unveiled. Though it is laudable that Congress has begun in...
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Internet Freedom Begins at Home

In the wake of the government ordered shutdown of Internet access in Egypt recently, Washington policymakers are debating various scenarios involving “regulation of the Internet.” The consensus ...