Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Judiciary Committee May Study Cybersecurity Provision Before Implementing It As Part of PIPA

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy has put out a statement saying he may add a provision to study the impact of DNS blocking before that provision within the controversial PROTECT IP bill (PIPA...
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DOJ Investigating Verizon Cable Deal

One day after the AT&T’s takeover bid for T-Mobile collapsed, now it’s the other Bell that’s trying to eliminate competition.  Verizon is as aggressively ambitious as AT&T – it’s pr...

CCIA’s Response to News AT&T Withdraws Bid to Takeover T-Mobile

AT&T’s CEO has confirmed the company has decided to withdraw its plan to takeover competitor T-Mobile. The move comes after the Department of Justice sued to block the deal as it violated antitr...

CCIA’s Response to News AT&T Withdraws Bid to Takeover T-Mobile

AT&T’s CEO has confirmed the company has decided to withdraw its plan to takeover competitor T-Mobile. The move comes after the Department of Justice sued to block the deal as it violated antitr...
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Startup Act Could Unleash the Power of Entrepreneurship

Last week, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced S. 1965 (the Startup Act). CCIA applauds the bill as a farsighted proposal to unleash the power of U.S. entrepreneurs and harn...
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Response To Attack On Opponents Of SOPA

While we join with Net Coalition in providing legislative language responses to H.R. 3261, we feel it is also important to separately clarify our industry’s view of itself and our role in the proces...

Privacy Caucus Discusses Children’s Privacy Online

The House privacy caucus held a panel discussion today on Capitol Hill today on what is needed to better protect children’s privacy online. The Computer & Communications Industry Association ...

Internet Innovators Appeal To Halt SOPA Internet Censorship Bill

Some of the biggest names in tech innovation launched an ad campaign appealing to Congress to not support Internet censorship legislation scheduled for a mark up and possible vote in the House Judicia...
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CCIA to Congress: Don’t Restrict FCC Spectrum Auction Authority

Last night the House of Representatives passed HR 3630 - legislation extending payroll tax cuts.  Tucked into the bill is authority for the FCC to conduct incentive auctions of wireless spectrum. ...
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CCIA to Congress: Don't Restrict FCC Spectrum Auction Authority

Last night the House of Representatives passed HR 3630 - legislation extending payroll tax cuts.  Tucked into the bill is authority for the FCC to conduct incentive auctions of wireless spectrum. CCI...
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SOPA Markup This Thursday: What You Can Do Now To Save the Internet

What’s at stake and why should I care? Rebecca MacKinnon’s recent editorial in the New York Times says it well: “Compliance with the Stop Online Piracy Act would require huge overhead sp...
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Clinton Says Countries Must Prioritize Internet Openness, Freedom

Secretary Hillary Clinton told audiences connected in online broadcasts throughout the world Thursday that Internet freedom is a human rights issue and keeping the Internet open is a top diplomatic pr...