Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Twitter’s Difficult Choice: The Unenviable Position of U.S. Internet Companies

Yesterday, Twitter announced that it had created a targeted solution to removing locally “illegal” material on a country-by-country basis.  Perhaps understandably, the company has been accuse...
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CCIA’s Response To EC’s Data Protection Proposal

Yesterday the European Commission released their proposal for a new data protection law for the European Union. While CCIA is glad to see the EU working on updating the old Data Protection Directive f...
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CCIA's Response To EC's Data Protection Proposal

Yesterday the European Commission released their proposal for a new data protection law for the European Union. While CCIA is glad to see the EU working on updating the old Data Protection Directive f...
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CCIA Concerned About Size and Scope of Hawaii’s Pending Data Retention Bill

Today the Hawaiian State House debated a newly introduced piece of legislation, H.B. 2288, which would create a massive requirement for Hawaiian businesses to gather dossiers about all of their custom...
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State of the Union From a Tech Perspective

Tech industry advocates could easily spot some longstanding items from the innovation agenda within President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. President Obama said “innovation ...
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Supreme Court Rules Against GPS Tracking Without Warrants

The Supreme Court today issued an opinion in the case of United States v. Jones, concerning whether the police needed a warrant before they placed a GPS tracking device on the underside of a suspect...

Supreme Court Rules Against GPS Monitoring Without A Warrant

The U.S. Supreme Court said today that installing a GPS monitoring device constitutes a search and is therefore prohibited by the 4th amendment without a warrant. The decision that such a search is il...
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Congress Puts PIPA, SOPA On Hold After Internet User Uprising

Some citizens, Congress members, and organizations have been fully aware of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) and the threats they pose for months now. After all, PIPA...

House, Senate Delay Action On PIPA/SOPA

The House and Senate have both announced plans today to put off consideration of the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The announcement follows record numbers of phone ca...
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CCIA Joins PIPA/SOPA Blackout

The Computer & Communications Industry Association blacked out its website Wednesday, along with a countdown clock to the Senate's planned vote on its flawed legislation January 24. More than 6...

PIPA/SOPA Blackout

Here's an excerpt from CCIA President & CEO Ed Black's CNN interview -- see above or the text of the story below: (CNN) -- "Imagine a world without free knowledge". Those are the words on the h...
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European Commission Presents E-Commerce Action Plan

On 11 January 2012 the Commission presented its Communication on e-commerce. The Communication sets out an action plan to double online sales and the share of the Internet economy in EU GDP by 2015. ...