Computer & Communication Industry Association


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House Committee Approval for Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness

Last week, the House Judiciary Committee passed the Manager's Amendment of H.R. 1860, the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act, by voice vote.  The bill establishes a national framework for ...

Internet-friendly Language Proposed in Trade Agreement

The USTR has proposed the addition of Internet-friendly copyright language into what is being billed as the 21st Century trade agreement: the Trans Pacific Partnership. The Computer & Communicatio...

CCIA Submits Statement For Senate Privacy Hearing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted this written statement to the Senate Commerce Committee for its online privacy hearing today, “The Need for Privacy Protections: I...
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Internet Freedom Gains Attention With Fellowship Program, Events In Geneva

All around the world, a debate rages over the protection of users’ actions and information online. In the developed world, this is seen primarily through the lens of personal privacy protections: ho...
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House Hearing Examines Online Video, Data Caps

The constant refrain out of the “Future of Video” hearing was that whatever the future of video may be, it probably is not cable. The hearing opened with, and generally focused on, a single statis...

CCIA Responds To White House Request for IP Enforcement Comments

The Computer & Communications Industry Association responded to a White House request for public input on intellectual property enforcement. CCIA President & CEO Ed Black expressed frustration...
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CCIA Asks House, Senate To Consider Internet Freedom With Russia’s PNTR Status

The House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance held hearings this week on granting Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to Russia. CCIA sent a letter to both House a...
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CCIA Asks House, Senate To Consider Internet Freedom With Russia's PNTR Status

The House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance held hearings this week on granting Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to Russia. CCIA sent a letter to both House and�...
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Getting Spectrum To Boost Mobile Tech Revolution

Randall Stephenson, CEO of AT&T, and Glenn Hutchins, Co-Founder of Silver Lake, spoke at the Brookings Institute last week on how to further the mobile technology revolution. Mr. Stephenson and...

Study Links EU Risks To Lower Venture Capital Investment

An new economic study analyzing changes in European copyright law has found a negative impact on venture capitalists’ investment in cloud computing companies following several French and German cour...
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EU: Public Consultation on ‘Notice and Action’ Procedures

Last week the European Commission initiated a public consultation titled: “A clean and open Internet: Public consultation on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal content hosted by online i...
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Crowdsourcing for Internet Governance Should not be Dominated by Governments

The International Telecom Union (ITU), founded in the 19th century, last updated its regulations or ITRs in 1988 and clearly has a lot of catching up to do.  It has traditionally focused on standard...