Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Prospects of ECPA Reform

This past Monday was Data Privacy Day and to mark the occasion CCIA CEO Ed Black posted a piece to Huffington Post on the need for reform of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which currentl...
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After WCIT, A Look Ahead To the Next Internet Governance Debate

Less than two months have passed since the World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) in Dubai came to a halt over a controversial vote that would have extended a UN treaty largely cen...

CCIA Welcomes Introduction of Immigration Innovation Act

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) welcomes the introduction the Immigration Innovation Act today. CCIA has long promoted skilled immigration reform as critical to maintain...

Data Privacy Day: Good Time For Congress To Pass ECPA Reforms, CCIA Says

Washington – As privacy advocates mark Data Privacy Day Monday, the Computer & Communications Industry Association is calling on Congress to update the nation’s 27 year old laws governing when...

The Sky Continues To Rise For Industry, Study Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association has released the latest economic study it commissioned, “The Sky is Rising,” just ahead of this year’s MIDEM music business confe...
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Online Sales Tax Collection and Physical Presence

Last year, CCIA consistently opposed efforts to pass legislation that would force online retailers to collect sales and use taxes regardless of physical presence.  Last month, we opposed an attempt i...

CCIA Europe To Host Media Conference Call Thursday On New “Sky is Rising” Study

After last year’s release of the study 'The Sky is Rising' looking at the global, economic state of the entertainment industry, the Computer & Communication Industry Association (CCIA) is conven...

CCIA Europe To Host Media Conference Call Thursday On New "Sky is Rising" Study

After last year’s release of the study 'The Sky is Rising' looking at the global, economic state of the entertainment industry, the Computer & Communication Industry Association (CCIA) is conven...

State of the Net Conference Opens; CCIA Speaks On Telecom Panel Today

Computer & Communications Industry Association Vice President Cathy Sloan will be part of a telecommunications panel discussion at 11:30am at the State of the Net conference sponsored by the Congr...

Celebrating Internet Freedom Day With An Eye On Battles Ahead

Many in Washington and around the country are celebrating a key battle in the war against Internet freedom today – the one year anniversary of the defeat of the Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA. The C...
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WANTED: Spectrum for Open Wireless Innovation Lab

The FCC’s Incentive Auctions rulemaking docket is titled: “Expanding Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum…”   With an increasing majority of the American TV audience choosing to...
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Upcoming Anniversary of SOPA Blackouts; Looking Ahead at the 113th Congress

As the first anniversary of the January 18, 2012 SOPA blackouts approaches, and with a new session of Congress starting, there has been an increase in the usual pieces looking at the impact of the mon...