Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Internet Governance

Tech Industry Praises Liberation of Internet Governance Functions from U.S.G.

Geneva/Brussels - The technology industry welcomes the news that the U.S. Commerce Department intends to complete the transition of relinquishing its control over key Internet addressing functions to ...
  • Blog
  • Taxes & Trade

House Judiciary Committee Explores Internet Sales Tax Alternatives

On March 12, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled “Exploring Alternative Solutions on the Internet Sales Tax Issue.”  CCIA had welcomed the announcement of this hearing as a first ...

U.S. House Subcommittee To Review Copyright Law Critical To U.S. Economy

Washington – As part of its ongoing review of U.S. copyright law, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Internet is holding a hearing Thursday on the legal framework that supports both copyright h...
  • Competition
  • Telecom

CCIA Supports STELA, But Not Anti-competitive Amendment On TV Set Top Boxes

Washington – The House Energy & Commerce Communications subcommittee will hold a hearing today to consider legislation from its chairman, Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., that would reauthorize a law s...

House Judiciary Committee to Examine Internet Sales Tax Alternatives

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday on “Exploring Alternative Solutions on the Internet Sales Tax Issue.”  The Computer & Communications Industry Associa...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Deeply Concerned by Turkish Government Threat to Block Internet Services, Social Media

Brussels/Geneva --  The Computer & Communications Industry Association was, like many others, troubled to hear reports yesterday that the Government of Turkey is considering widespread additional...
  • Blog
  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

The Road to Net Mundial in Brazil

Some 500 separate expressions of interest in the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (“Net Mundial”) to be held April 23-24 in Sao Paolo were filed by the end of l...
  • Blog
  • Privacy & Security

Stop the Presses, Identity Theft Still #1 Complaint

The FTC today released their annual summary of all consumer complaints they receive and yet again identity theft leads the pack. Over the past year, the FTC received 290,056 complaints regarding ident...

Technology Industry Outraged At Webcam Spying Revelations

Brussels and Washington – The latest revelations about surveillance by Britain’s intelligence officials at GCHQ disclose details on a multi-year program that involved capturing images from million...

Supreme Court Asked To Clear Up Who Pays For Frivolous Patent Lawsuits

Washington – The Supreme Court heard oral arguments today about frivolous patent litigation in order to weigh in on when the loser should have to pay the legal fees of the winner. The Computer &...
  • Telecom

Senate Judiciary Hears About Wireless Competition Challenges

Washington – The Senate Judiciary Committee spent time Wednesday more closely examining the state of wireless competition and what is impeding a more competitive marketplace. The hearing comes ahead...

World Tech Tells UN: Keep Internet Policy Negotiations Open to All Stakeholders

Geneva - The Computer and Communications Industry Association today has joined nine other industry groups  in a joint letter to the Ambassadors of Finland and Tunisia, jointly leading a key UN negoti...