Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Blog

Annual H-1B Cap Reached in Less than a Week (Again)

Washington - On April 7, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it had received enough H-1B temporary work visa petitions to hit the annual statutory cap for FY 2015, les...
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  • EU
  • Jobs & Innovation

CCIA Takes Disruptive Innovators to the European Parliament

Brussels -- What do social ridesharing, e-commerce and 3D printing have in common? It seems far more than most people would expect. At least this is what became very clear during an event organized by...
  • Telecom

CCIA Welcomes Robust Open Internet Rules Approved by European Parliament

Brussels -- Today the European Parliament voted on protections to the open Internet as part of a legislative package on telecommunications. This is the first phase in the process of adopting this legi...

CCIA Files Brief Urging the Supreme Court to Hold for Aereo

Washington – CCIA and the Mozilla Corporation filed a brief today in a copyright case before the U.S. Supreme Court, as the outcome of this case has implications for the overall Internet economy. Th...

CCIA Supports House Resolution On Internet Freedom in Turkey

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association praised a bipartisan resolution introduced by House members yesterday asking Turkey to stop blocking its citizens’ access to soc...
  • Telecom

CCIA, CDT Encourage the European Parliament to Support Net Neutrality in Tomorrow’s Vote

Brussels - On 3rd April, the European Parliament will vote in Plenary on the ‘Telecoms Single Market Regulation’. We commend the work of the Parliamentary Committees that have issued opinions on ...
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  • Telecom

Progress on Availability of Both Unlicensed and Licensed Spectrum

As Americans’ mobile use of the Internet and smart electronic devices escalates, the FCC must get creative and sophisticated about packing more users into the limited virtual real estate of our fini...

CCIA Concerned About Turkey Blocking Internet Commerce

Brussels/Washington – There are conflicting media reports about whether Turkey, after earlier actions taken against Twitter, has now also blocked access to YouTube. News that some Internet users are...

CCIA Welcomes the UK Government’s Move to Reform Copyright

Brussels -- Yesterday the UK Government introduced new exceptions to copyright law. The areas covered by new exceptions include private copying, quotation and parody, disability, public administration...
  • Blog
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Updates on Copyright and Patent

There has been a lot of action around intellectual property lately.  Below is a list of recent and upcoming inquiries and events around copyright and patent, much of which CCIA is involved in: Copyri...
  • Blog
  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

A Summary of NETmundial Submissions in Numbers

Geneva -- In advance of the anticipated NETmundial conference on the future of Internet Governance, which will be organised by the Brazilian Government, stakeholders were encouraged to submit “Inter...
  • Telecom

Loopholes Remain After European Parliament Votes on Open Internet

Brussels -- Today the European Parliament's Industry committee voted on protections to the open Internet as part of a legislative package on telecommunications. The committee voted with 30 votes in fa...