Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Internet governance: Are we discussing the right things?

We need to distinguish between technical and regulatory debates in Internet governance discussions. Failure to do so will make it harder to find solutions to either. Istanbul provides the exotic back...
  • EU

Tech Industry Advocates Send Incoming European Commission President Joint Letter

The Computer & Communications Industry Association signed a joint letter welcoming European Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker and offering support and assistance on his goal of creati...
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Constitutional Challenge to the German ‘Snippet Law’

One year ago the German ancillary copyright for press publishers, the Leistungsschutzrecht, came into effect. With that law, Germany became something like a pioneer - the first country in the European...
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  • Internet Freedom

Congressional Internet Caucus Panel Explores Challenges Of EU’s Right To Be Forgotten Ruling

Washington – Congressional staff heard the details at a panel discussion Friday of how Europe is now implementing its Right to be Forgotten rules.  The recent court ruling has generated controversy...
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  • Internet Freedom

Congressional Internet Caucus Panel Explores Challenges Of EU's Right To Be Forgotten Ruling

Washington – Congressional staff heard the details at a panel discussion Friday of how Europe is now implementing its Right to be Forgotten rules.  The recent court ruling has generated controversy...
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  • Privacy & Security

CCIA Files Comments on Big Data and Consumer Privacy in the Internet Economy

Washington - The Department of Commerce, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), recently sought public comment on how the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights could ...

CCIA Files Comments on ASCAP, BMI Consent Decrees

Washington – As the Department of Justice Antitrust Division reviews the consent decrees governing music licensing, the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed comments Wedne...

Senate Offers Better Surveillance Reforms In Its USA Freedom Act

Washington – Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy has introduced surveillance reform legislation that would improve upon the bill the House passed earlier this summer. The Senate’s USA Freedom ...

House Committee Examines Growing Problem of ‘Copyright Trolls’

Washington - Lawmakers heard how the misuse of copyright laws is putting a damper on innovation at a hearing Thursday afternoon.  The House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property...
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Congress, Tech Industry Advocates Weigh Costs of Surveillance Programs

Members of Congress and tech industry advocates discussed the impact of surveillance programs on industry credibility at an Internet Caucus meeting Friday. One threat discussed at the program, “The...

CCIA Announces New Additions To Policy Team

Washington/Brussels – CCIA is pleased to welcome Christian Borggreen to its Brussels office and Bijan Madhani to its Washington office.   “The Internet economy and innovation face challenge...
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  • Taxes & Trade

Senate Should Pass Clean Extension of Internet Tax Moratorium

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act by voice vote.  CCIA has supported making permanent the moratorium on Internet access taxes and on multiple or d...