Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Trade and the Internet: Where next for European trade policy?

As the European Union is changing its leadership, CCIA takes the opportunity to provide our thoughts on a forward-looking European trade strategy. Over the past two decades, the Internet has been a c...
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An Open Internet Should Never Be Taken for Granted

The Internet is essential infrastructure for most of today’s American businesses, and for citizens’ civic engagement, education, and daily life.  As a group of enlightened Senators said yesterday...
  • Telecom

To Protect Open Internet FCC Must Correct Classification Mistake

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed detailed comments with the FCC today articulating the best legal and policy framework to meaningfully protect Americans’ acc...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

House Subcommittee Advances Faulty Patent TROL Act

Washington -- Those leading the lobbying efforts against meaningful patent reform legislation are now supporting a bill that could actually make it easier for patent trolls to extort money - known as ...
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The Open Wireless Movement and the push for alternative methods of internet access

Not too long ago, people were frantic about the FCC’s alleged promise to provide free WiFi to everyone. While this myth was quickly debunked, recent developments suggest that although the elusive pr...

Independent Privacy Board Issues Surveillance Report

Washington - An independent federal privacy watchdog group has issued its latest surveillance report saying that NSA’s surveillance targeting those outside the U.S. appears to be legal, although the...

CCIA Statement on Unconfirmed Report of Proposed USPTO Nominee

Washington -- In response to reports that the Obama Administration is considering appointing Philip Johnson, Johnson & Johnson’s head of intellectual property, to be director of the U.S. Paten...
  • EU
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  • White Papers & Reports

The White Paper on Copyright: Setting an Industrial Policy for Europe?

Achieving a modern copyright regime that is apt for a digitally connected continent requires a strategic vision. The leak of the European Commission’s White Paper on copyright policy which appeared ...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Supreme Court Reverses Copyright Case With Broad Implications For Internet Users

Washington – The Supreme Court has reversed a case brought by the TV broadcast industry against an innovative Internet startup, Aereo. The case could have broad implications for Internet users’ cl...
  • Privacy & Security

Supreme Court Rules Police Need Warrant For Cell Phone Searches

Washington - In a unanimous ruling the Supreme Court said today that searching an individual’s smartphone constitutes a search and police would need a warrant to check someone’s smartphone during ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Praises Wireless Legislation To Free Spectrum, Reduce “Last Mile” Access Congestion

Washington -- Congress is hearing Americans’ complaints about wireless Internet access and some are calling for change with new legislation to improve spectrum use efficiency.  A new Senate bill jo...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • Privacy & Security

House Votes to End Mass Warrantless Surveillance

Washington -- In a spirited bipartisan late night defense of the 4th Amendment, Reps Thomas Massie, Republican of Kentucky and Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California offerred an amendment to the Defens...