Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Government Seeks Expanded Hacking Ability in Criminal Investigations

Wednesday the Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts held a small public hearing about a proposed change to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Crimi...
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New EU Cyber Security Directive should focus on protection of truly critical infrastructure

The European Parliament’s vote from March 2014 correctly improved the scope of the Network and Information Directive by focusing on truly critical infrastructure such as the energy, banking, and tra...
  • Privacy & Security

FBI Seeks Even Broader Surveillance Power From Judicial Advisory Committee

Washington – The FBI’s request to significantly expand the government’s power to remotely search stored electronic data is the subject of a hearing before the Advisory Committee on Criminal Rule...
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CCIA Joins Letter Asking Congress To Increase MLAT Funding

CCIA joined today with several other trade associations in sending a letter urging Congressional leadership to support additional funding for processes related to the United States' many bilateral Mut...

CCIA Asks USTR To Address Barriers To Digital Trade

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the Office of the United State Trade Representative Wednesday evening, asking that the annual trade barriers r...

Data Throttling Problems Widespread, According To FTC Suit, M-Labs Study

Washington – The FTC announced this week it is suing AT&T for slowing Internet speeds for customers for heavy Internet usage even though they paid for unlimited data as advertised.  The Compute...
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Will President Take Executive Action On Immigration Reform?

With the midterm elections less than a week away, 2014 looks to become another in a long line of years in which action to address the crisis in skilled immigration does not come to pass. This is espec...
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An Open Internet is the Goal of Both Our US Delegation at ITU and the FCC

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is an arm of the United Nations and is dedicated to global coordination of things like satellite orbital slots, terrestrial spectrum use, and technical ...
  • Telecom

Internet Users In New York To Speak At Hearing Supporting Open Internet

Washington – New York leaders are hosting a hearing tonight on two pending FCC decisions that would impact Internet Users in their state – preserving the Open Internet and stopping the Comcast-Tim...
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“Sky is Rising” Entertainment Industry Economic Report Shows More Creative Output, Opportunities For Creators

Washington – A new report finds online services and tools for distribution are fueling more creative opportunities and content than ever before. The Computer & Communications Industry Associatio...
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  • EU

Does the new EU leadership dare to embrace the Internet opportunity?

The European Parliament yesterday approved a new European Commission team which will take up office on November 1. The digital portfolio will be split between a Vice-President for the Digital Single ...
  • EU

European Parliament Votes To Approve New European Commission Team

Brussels - The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the European Parliament approval today of the new European Commission team, which will take up office on 1st November. The d...