Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedSeptember 12, 2024

CCIA Submits Comments Responding to Taiwan’s Proposed AI Basic Act

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed comments with Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) on the government’s proposed AI Basic Act

CCIA’s comments largely support the bill, given its flexible approach and alignment with existing international regulatory frameworks that foster innovation. Effective AI governance requires rules that accommodate rapid technological innovations and that don’t supersede or conflict with existing sectoral regulations or trade obligations. CCIA has previously published white papers on best governance practices for AI and on developing trade rules for a competitive global AI market

The following can be attributed to CCIA Vice President of Digital Trade, Jonathan McHale:

“We welcome this important step by Taiwan to establish a flexible, forward-thinking framework to guide AI development, focusing on oversight calibrated across the innovation lifecycle. As governments move ahead with AI regulations amidst rapid technological advancements, Taiwan presents a positive case study in how targeted, risk-based interventions can limit potential harms while supporting academia and industry in developing breakthrough innovations. CCIA appreciates the opportunity to contribute to this process, which, with targeted modifications to definitions associated with harm and risk, should sustain Taiwan’s leading role in driving global AI innovation.”