Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedMay 15, 2024

CCIA Response to Schumer’s AI Spending Proposal

Washington – Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Artificial Intelligence Working Group has backed a roadmap for AI policy and is supporting a proposal for the federal government to spend $32 billion on AI. The government spending proposal, announced at a news conference today, includes spending on private public partnerships and a Sputnik-like call for emergency spending on R&D for various government agencies including Energy, Commerce, the National Science Foundation and NASA. 

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has advocated for tech policy that advances innovation for more than 50 years and published a whitepaper on AI policy recommendations.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Senior Counsel for Innovation Policy Joshua Landau:

“As the U.S. competes with other countries to develop AI innovations, the Administration’s efforts to improve funding for public-private AI R&D and the National AI Research Resource is welcome news. While companies are investing in research and development on their own, they don’t always have the freedom to invest in the higher risk higher reward research that sometimes produces the biggest leaps in innovation. We look forward to working with Sen. Schumer and others on this proposal and ways to promote U.S. leadership in AI development.”