Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedMay 3, 2024

CCIA Offered Comments on Brazil Consultation on Competition in Digital Platforms

Washington –  The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments in response to the Brazilian Ministry of Finance’s Consultation on the Economic and Competitive Aspects of Digital Platforms. CCIA’s comments highlighted that Brazil has a thriving and competitive digital ecosystem and before embarking on regulating digital markets, Brazilian policymakers should consider whether the existing enforcement and policy frameworks already provide more proportionate ways to achieve the desired outcomes.

These comments followed up on the remarks CCIA Vice President Krisztian Katona made during the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies’ Economic Development Commission hearing on Bill No. 2768/2022, the “Brazilian DMA proposal” in August 2023, and recent comments CCIA submitted to the Brazilian Congress in response to its public consultation on the same Bill in December 2023.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Vice President of Global Competition and Regulatory Policy Krisztian Katona:

“Countries with an active competition enforcement agenda and a thriving startup ecosystem like Brazil may have more to lose from heavy-handed regulation that could hinder investment in startups and hamper innovation. We would recommend that Brazil first identify whether there are any market problems that need to be addressed and then the costs versus benefits of any potential regulation in digital markets.”