Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedDecember 4, 2023

CCIA Offers Comments On Brazilian Tech Regulation Bill

Washington – As Brazil seeks input on proposed legislation to regulate tech companies, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments advising Brazil’s Congress to examine how proposed regulations would impact consumers and the economy.

CCIA Vice President Krisztian Katona participated in a Brazilian Congressional hearing on the bill in August where he noted that Brazil should be wary of importing untested international regulatory experiments and cautioned lawmakers to learn lessons from the experience of other jurisdictions.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Vice President of Global Competition and Regulatory Policy Krisztian Katona:

“Countries with thriving startups like Brazil have more to lose from heavy handed regulation that could hinder investment in startups and hamper innovation. Jurisdictions considering this sort of regulatory framework need to keep in mind there is a global competition for technology investment. We would recommend that Brazil first identify market problems they are trying to solve and then the costs versus benefits of potential digital regulation.

“It appears that the current proposal would impact at least 187 digital service and e-commerce companies that would be designated as so-called ‘controllers of essential access,’ which could significantly hinder the country’s innovation and economy.”