Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedJanuary 5, 2024

CCIA Releases State Competition Landscape Report

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a report today, summarizing trends in state competition legislation with a look ahead to the 2024 state legislative sessions, which have already started convening this week.

European lawmakers have sought to establish a precedent for government intervention in markets, something some state lawmakers have looked to replicate in state capitols in recent years, diverging from the traditional approach of allowing markets to determine winners and losers.

CCIA has advocated for competition in the tech industry since 1972.

The following can be attributed to CCIA State Policy Director Khara Boender:

“Since companies operate across state borders, we have concerns about states enacting a  patchwork of differing competition rules that could uproot the current regulatory certainty. We  encourage states to maintain the policies and frameworks that have led to a thriving US tech sector rather than attempting to pass European-style  competition laws. Pivoting to an EU-style approach could threaten American companies’ ability to remain  innovation leaders in global markets.”