Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedNovember 13, 2020

CCIA Statement on Selection of Ron Klain as Chief of Staff

Washington — President-Elect Joe Biden has named Ron Klain as his White House chief of staff. Klain, who previously served as Biden’s chief of staff while vice president, is a longtime aide and advisor to the President-Elect.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Board Chair and CEO Emeritus Ed Black:

“I heartily congratulate President-Elect Biden for his choice of Ron Klain as his chief of staff. His breadth of experience and background is reassuring at this troubled time. The nation needs to refill its ranks of high-level public servants with committed individuals with demonstrated competence able to look beyond parochial interests and address complicated national issues with thoughtful, well-informed decision making. I know Ron meets this standard and his choice is a signal that other wise personnel choices will follow. I and others in the private sector look forward to substantive engagement with the new Administration.”