Computer & Communication Industry Association

Library Items

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

CCIA Response to EC Call for Information on Market Definition Notice

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

2022-09-09 CCIA Amicus Br Olean case SCOTUS

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Privacy

Oral Remarks to FTC Forum Commercial Surveillance and Data Security

  • White Papers
  • Trade

CCIA White Paper on Canada Bill C-18, the Online News Act

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Content Moderation

Joint Industry Letter on the PLD and AI Directive

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

CCIA Comments to USPTO in OpenSky.pdf

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Competition

CCIA Comments NTIA-submission.pdf

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Competition

CCIA comments on FTC DOJ RFI on merger enforcement.pdf

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Telecom

Notice of Ex Parte Mtg Ofc of FCC Comm’r Starks

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Telecom

Notice of Ex Parte Ofc of FCC Comm’r Carr with Att

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

Chamber, CCIA, et al. Amicus NY v. Meta D.C. Cir.

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Internet Governance

Joint Motion to Stay Mandate 11th Cir.

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Internet Governance

Pls/Defs Motion Continue Stay of Case ECF 134

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
  • Copyright

CCIA Comments on the SACC’s Provisional Report on Online Intermediation Platforms

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

CCIA Comments to USPTO in OpenSky