Computer & Communication Industry Association

Library Items

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

Letter to Senators Detailing S. 23 Problem With Business Methods Patent Provision

  • Op Eds

Internet censorship is bad for business

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

Letter to Senators Opposing S. 23

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s FTC Privacy Comments

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA's FTC Privacy Comments

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Senate testimony on targeting websites for infringement

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA's Senate testimony on targeting websites for infringement

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Joint Letter on CALEA

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA's Joint Letter on CALEA

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Open Internet Letter to Congress

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA's Open Internet Letter to Congress

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA’s Comments to Commerce Department on data privacy

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Patents

Amicus Brief in Support of Microsoft, Microsoft v. i4i Limited Partnership

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

Letter to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Opposing S.23

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony

CCIA's Comments to Commerce Department on data privacy