Computer & Communication Industry Association

Case Studies

  • Trade

Consequences of EC Proposals To Extend Regulatory Scope to the Entire Digital Economy

  • Competition

The Cost of Various Antitrust and DMA-Related Litigation to State and Local Pension Plans –  State by State Aggregates

Various antitrust and DMA-related litigation against the five leading technology firms, Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, and Apple (GAMMA), would increase operating costs for targeted GAMMA firms, ...

  • Competition

Reliable vs. Rapid: Seller Fulfilled Prime Reboot Underscores Evolving Consumer Expectations on Retail Shipping

Executive Summary The history of Amazon’s Seller Fulfilled Prime (“SFP”) provides strong evidence of the growing importance that consumers place on speed in retail shopping. Launched in 2015 ...
  • Telecom

Estimating the Value of Content and Applications Services for Internet Users in Europe