Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Objects to Online Personal Privacy Act

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) announced its opposition to new privacy legislation introduced by Senator Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) today. The bill is Sen...

CCIA Warns Against Online Sales Tax Amendment to Senate Budget Resolution

Proponents of the Marketplace Fairness Act are preparing to offer an amendment to the FY 2014 Senate budget resolution in support of Internet sales tax collection. The Computer & Communications In...

CCIA’s Top 13 Priorities for 2013 and Obama’s 2nd Term

Skilled Immigration Reform - Increase access to skilled foreign workers and entrepreneurs to ensure that the U.S. remains the global center of innovation.  Immigration reform legislation must includ...
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  • EU

Digital Single Market: A Reality for Millions of Internet-enabled Businesses

Brussels, BELGIUM -- An integrated, functioning Digital Single Market (DSM) is reality for a huge number of European businesses. This is the conclusion of eBay’s newest study “Empowering People an...
  • Telecom

FCC Votes To Rescind Open Internet Order, Declaring Open Season for Online Discrimination

Washington -- The FCC voted 3-2 along party lines to remove rules that have protected consumers’ and businesses’ internet access. While the exact rules have changed over the years as internet tech...
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  • Internet Freedom
  • Internet Governance

The Road to Net Mundial in Brazil

Some 500 separate expressions of interest in the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (“Net Mundial”) to be held April 23-24 in Sao Paolo were filed by the end of l...

CCIA Welcomes Countries’ Commitment to Achieve Global Tax Reform in 2020, Warns against Unilateral Taxes

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the OECD Secretariat published the Statement by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In the documen...

CCIA Asks Senate Judiciary To Extend And Strengthen USA FREEDOM Act Protections

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee holds its first hearing Wednesday on reauthorizing the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015. The Computer & Communications Industry Association is calling on senato...
  • EU
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CCIA Welcomes New Hires In Brussels and DC Offices

Washington/Brussels, BELGIUM  -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires for both its DC and Brussels offices. Kayvan Hazemi-Jebelli (Kay) joins the Brussels te...
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Industry Welcomes Bipartisan Warning to Lighthizer, Administration on French Digital Services Tax

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association commends Representatives Suzan DelBene and Darin LaHood, co-chairs of the Congressional Digital Trade Caucus, for calling upon the ...
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  • Competition

Net Neutrality Issue Predates the Commercial Internet

As the net neutrality debate drags on into another season, perhaps some historical “big picture” context is in order. AT&T was broken up in the early 1980s under the terms of an antitrust c...

CCIA’s Response to Big Data Review

Washington – The White House released the results of the Big Data review, which the president received today.  The review consisted of two reports, one focused on policy, which was coordinated by J...