Computer & Communication Industry Association

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  • CCIA
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Reps. Chaffetz, Polis Receive CCIA’s High Tech Defender Award

Washington – CCIA presented its high tech defender award to two western Congressmen starting their second term – Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah during its 39th Washington Caucu...

Tech Industry Offers Recommendations Ahead of G20 Trade & Digital Ministers Meeting

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a statement, along with other industry associations today, offering recommendations for the members of the G20 ahead of th...

CCIA Submits Set-Top Box Whitepaper: “Unlock the Box: How to Address Opposition and Boost Competition”

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has submitted a white paper to the FCC today that offers a way to bridge the gap between the FCC’s plan to bring competition to T...
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A Summary of NETmundial Submissions in Numbers

Geneva -- In advance of the anticipated NETmundial conference on the future of Internet Governance, which will be organised by the Brazilian Government, stakeholders were encouraged to submit “Inter...
  • Internet Freedom
  • Telecom

U.S. Appeals Court Gives Mixed Ruling On FCC Order To Abdicate Net Neutrality Enforcement

Washington --  A federal court has found the FCC can choose to give up its role protecting nondiscriminatory internet access, but the ruling appears to leave the door open for states to enforce net n...
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Websites and the “Natural Monopoly” Myth

Over the past few years there has been a tendency, especially by those in the financial press, to play it fast and loose with economic jargon. Buzzwords replace actual understanding of issues and the ...
  • Copyright

CCIA Submits Comments, Testified Before USTR On Fair Use In South Africa

Washington -- Today the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a post-hearing brief to the U.S. Trade Representative for its review of South Africa’s copyright law. Last mon...

CCIA Welcomes Signing of USMCA

Washington - The President has signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law this morning. This follows historic bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate in December and earlier this m...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Calls for Ambitious Global Tax Reform in Comments to OECD Proposal

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association today filed comments with the OECD on their proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One regarding international t...

CCIA Encouraged by Increasing Support For Federal Privacy Legislation

Washington - The New Democrat Coalition, representing more than 100 House Democrats, has announced support for federal privacy legislation introduced by Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, D-Wash. The bill w...
  • Taxes & Trade

CCIA Welcomes Provisions In Canada, Mexico Trade Agreement To Reduce Digital Trade Barriers

Washington --  The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds the inclusion of provisions to reduce digital trade barriers in yesterday’s agreement between the U.S., Canada, and Me...
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FCC Receives Thousands of Petitions To Deny AT&T Takeover of T-Mobile

FCC officials are now wading through thousands of petitions to deny AT&T’s FCC Application to takeover T-Mobile. Unlike DOJ, complaints to the FCC are public, so it takes some bravery for compan...