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"Internet Kill Switch" Bill Conflicts With Broader US Internet Agenda

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) says she plans to re-introduce legislation that would grant the President broad authority over swaths of Internet infrastructure to confront a “cyber emergency.” The r...

An ECPA Day of Action

Today, a host of organizations from across the political spectrum and including civil society, companies, and academics are calling for people to sign a White House petition encouraging ECPA reform. C...

Celebrating Internet Freedom Day With An Eye On Battles Ahead

Many in Washington and around the country are celebrating a key battle in the war against Internet freedom today – the one year anniversary of the defeat of the Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA. The C...
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An Open Internet in Europe?: EU Advances SM Telecoms Regulation

In case you went on holiday and missed it: holidays have been cancelled this Summer. Well, if you work on telecomms policy issues in Brussels that is. In February this year the European Commission�...

Federal Court Strikes FCC’s Open Internet Rule On Technicality

Washington – A federal appeals court has struck down the FCC’s Open Internet rule on a technicality because the FCC did not employ the right statutory authority when it adopted its open Internet o...
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Panelists Discuss Future Internet Governance At World Press Freedom Day Event

Washington- Academics, companies and a State Department official outlined the challenges ahead for Internet governance and Internet freedom at a National Press Club event marking World Press Freedom D...
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Network Fees: EU Commission Launches Consultation on Telco Demands

Brussels, BELGIUM – Today, the European Commission presented an exploratory consultation on possible network fees as part of its new connectivity package. If big EU telecom operators get their way, ...
  • Internet Freedom
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Congress, FCC To Consider Halting Paid Prioritization of Internet Traffic Delivery To Preserve Open Internet

Washington - Important issues related to Internet interconnection practices and policies have arisen anew in both Congress and the FCC. Rep. Doris Matsui, D-Calif., and Senate Judiciary Chairman Patr...
  • Internet Governance

Tech Industry Praises Liberation of Internet Governance Functions from U.S.G.

Geneva/Brussels - The technology industry welcomes the news that the U.S. Commerce Department intends to complete the transition of relinquishing its control over key Internet addressing functions to ...

CCIA Applauds Passage of Email Privacy Act

Washington - The House approved the Email Privacy Act under a suspension of the rules Monday. The legislation, which passed with a voice vote, would enhance privacy protections to citizens’ email. T...
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Open Internet Rule Is About Broadband Internet Access in the US

The FCC Open Internet rule is about consumer and end user access to everything Americans want on the Internet.   It is not about big edge providers’ access to any particular end users.  Verizon h...

Internet Freedom As A Top Diplomatic Priority Welcome, Overdue

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Thursday unrestricted Internet access will be a top diplomatic priority. The State Department estimates that 30 percent of the global population lives in n...