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CCIA Calls For Online Privacy Law Updates

Rep. Boucher, D-Va., is vowing to bring up privacy legislation in the House next year – regardless of which party ends up in control after the elections.  Last week, CCIA submitted a statement fo...

CCIA Opposes Online Personal Privacy Act

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today announced its strong opposition S. 2201, the Online Personal Privacy Act. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science...

CCIA Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee Updates To Privacy Laws

Email and other online communications are a step closer to greater privacy protections after a Senate Judiciary Committee vote today to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The updates, w...

Approval of Online Sales Tax Amendment Does Not Equate to Marketplace Fairness Act

Last Friday, the Senate voted to include a non-binding amendment to the FY 2014 Budget Resolution that supports the enforcement of state and local use tax laws. Proponents of the Marketplace Fairness ...

CCIA Applauds New Congressional Focus on Digital Online Trade

Washington – Today leadership of the Senate Finance and House Ways & Means Committees introduced bipartisan legislation aimed at authorizing Trade Promotion Authority for the Administration.  T...
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CCIA Takes Disruptive Innovators to the European Parliament

Brussels -- What do social ridesharing, e-commerce and 3D printing have in common? It seems far more than most people would expect. At least this is what became very clear during an event organized by...

CCIA Submits Online Advertising Comments To Spanish Competition Regulators

Brussels, BELGIUM -- CCIA submitted comments to the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) today in response to its inquiry into online advertising. The filing offered information and statistics to show...
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EC To Investigate Search Engine Policies

The European Commission has announced that it was opening an investigation into search and search advertising focused on Google. The investigation comes after complaints from three companies that we...
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EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission announced a record fine today. Its antitrust investigation began seven years ago after some online price comparison sites complained Google favored its own...
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New Research Find That The Internet Boosts Growth For Legacy Music Industry

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a white paper that compiles various studies and data showing digital distribution helped grow profits for artists a...
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Plan to Expand Tax Collection for Online Businesses Discussed in Senate Finance Hearing

The Senate Finance Committee held an April 25th hearing on “Tax Reform: What It Means for State and Local Tax and Fiscal Policy.”  Within the broader theme of the hearing, there was a lively ex...
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Online Taxes On House Agenda

Online taxes has become a focus on Capitol Hill with various competing bills and last week the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on “Constitutional Limitations on States’ Authority to Colle...