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An Open Internet is the Goal of Both Our US Delegation at ITU and the FCC

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is an arm of the United Nations and is dedicated to global coordination of things like satellite orbital slots, terrestrial spectrum use, and technical ...

FCC Approves Open Internet Rules

The FCC approved rules today designed to defend consumers’ access to an open Internet. The rules offer some protections to ensure the Internet remains open after a recent court decision invalidated ...
  • Telecom

To Protect Open Internet FCC Must Correct Classification Mistake

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed detailed comments with the FCC today articulating the best legal and policy framework to meaningfully protect Americans’ acc...

AT&T Threatens Fiber Build Out If Open Internet Rules Are Approved

Washington - Days after President Obama weighed in on Open Internet rules, saying the Internet was too critical to let a few big network access companies become gatekeepers for content, one of those b...
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Internet Freedom and Jackson-Vanik

One of the most prominent trade issues in 2012 centers on Congressional approval of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia.  While extending PNTR to Russia would provide some economic be...
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Internet Governance Not for Governments

Recent events in Egypt and the role of the Internet make the future of governing it in terms of technical management and coordination more critical than ever. First some history… The Internet ...
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Why the Internet Governance debate is repetitive and what the UN could do about it

The past 10 years of the international Internet governance debate must have reminded some observers of the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" - the same protagonists making the same arguments in a seemingly p...
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MEPs, Academics, Businesses Discuss CCIA/EDiMA Internet Opportunity Study

Brussels  --- Just a month after an OECD report calling on Europe to boost productivity, CCIA and EDiMA released a report illustrating untapped potential of the Internet that could do just that. Bria...

FCC Wins Legal Challenge To Its Open Internet Order

Washington - A federal appeals court upheld the FCC’s Open Internet Order, rejecting various substantive and procedural attacks on the agency’s non-discrimination order. The Computer & Communi...

India Delays Google, Facebook Internet Content Liability Trial

Google and Facebook were set to go to trial today in India on charges they did not censor content from their websites. The Wall Street Journal reports the trial in which company executives could face ...

Internet Innovators Appeal To Halt SOPA Internet Censorship Bill

Some of the biggest names in tech innovation launched an ad campaign appealing to Congress to not support Internet censorship legislation scheduled for a mark up and possible vote in the House Judicia...

Final Open Internet Comments For FCC Submitted Today

The final round of public comments on the FCC’s Open Internet initiative are due today. With this step completed, the record is now ready for the FCC to make a decision on open Internet rules by Jan...