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House Votes to End Mass Warrantless Surveillance

Washington -- In a spirited bipartisan late night defense of the 4th Amendment, Reps Thomas Massie, Republican of Kentucky and Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California offerred an amendment to the Defens...
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iPad: Doesn’t Support Flash, Multitasking; But Supports Patent Lawyers

On January 28, the day after Apple announced its highly-anticipated iPad product to the world, a company called Intellect Wireless sued Apple in the Northern District of Illinois, seeking nearly $10 m...
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  • EU
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

The “Book Famine” Affecting Visually Impaired People Exposes Issues for Copyright Affecting Everyone

From July 16th to 25th, the world’s copyright decision-makers met, as they do twice each year, at the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) in Geneva. Are you sleeping yet? It ...

Join CCIA Europe for a briefing following the EC’s Google Antitrust Announcement

The European Commission announced a record fine after a 7 year investigation comparing Google and some online shopping competitors. For more than four decades, the Computer & Communications Indu...

The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Stands on Firm Ground

Washington -- The EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, concluded last year, is critical to the information flows driving $260 billion in transatlantic digital services. It is critical to the ability of Eur...

CCIA Encourages Reform of FISA § 702 Surveillance

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee will hold the 115th Congress’ first hearing on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act tomorrow (Wednesday). The provision, which is set ...
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Senators Introduce Startup Act 2.0

Four Senators have introduced bipartisan legislation this week designed to improve the environment for startup businesses in the U.S.  The Startup Act 2.0 would create an entrepreneur’s visa for le...

CCIA Welcomes Introduction of Startup Act 3.0

The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds Senators Jerry Moran, R-Kan., Mark Warner, D-Va., Chris Coons, D-Del., and Roy Blunt, R-Mo., for introducing the Startup Act 3.0, a fars...
  • Telecom

Loopholes Remain After European Parliament Votes on Open Internet

Brussels -- Today the European Parliament's Industry committee voted on protections to the open Internet as part of a legislative package on telecommunications. The committee voted with 30 votes in fa...

CCIA Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan Immigration Innovation Act

Washington -- In response to the need for high-skilled immigration, senators introduced the Immigration Innovation (“I-Squared”) Act today. The Computer & Communications Industry Association c...

Senators Ask To Delay Government Hacking Expansion To Allow Congressional Oversight

Washington -- Senators Coons, D-Del., Daines, R-Mont.,  Wyden, D-Ore., and Lee, R-Utah, introduced the Review the Rule Act today that would temporarily stop the government from gaining new hacking po...

CCIA Supports International Communications Privacy Act

Washington -- Shortly after the introduction of the ECPA Modernization Act in the Senate, Senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Chris Coons, D-Del., introduced the International Communications Privacy Act...